Chapter 11. The final act of sabotage

Start from the beginning

Time skip brought to you with Nagato thinking about you.

It is now night time and you're already at the first cliff. You already pushed the catapults it to position and loaded them. The same with the rocket launchers. You have made a tunnel system that runs to the next cliff and back. With another tunnel running from cliff 2 to cliff 3 and back.

Franz Messerschmitt: Alright, the Molotov Cocktails have been loaded up, the explosive arrows are loaded, spears are on stand by, the charges are set, and I have the motors. Everything is ready. I have even made a timed fuse system connecting all of the launchers together. All it takes is man with a lighter. **pulls out his lighter** So beautiful, but will soon be in flames. Just like my home and everything that I knew and loved.

You light the string and and then light the rockets. 

A few seconds later

Mark Wayne Windle: Skip to 1:50 

Franz Messerschmitt: It's working so far.

After 3 seconds, the others are launching their payloads to, and they hit their mark.



The rockets hit the oil barrels. You load the spears and fire away. They also hit their mark.

Franz Messerschmitt: FEUER!!! (FIRE!!!).

You run over to the the catapult and shoot the string, sending the Molotov Cocktails flying and into the harbor.

Franz Messerschmitt: **shoots the rope** Now the charges. **aims at the first charge**



All of the charges detonate at the same time.

Franz Messerschmitt: **heads into the tunnel** One can only hope to survive my rain of terror ja? (yes?). **comes out of the tunnel** I need to reload the launcher. But, I can do this first. **shoots the string**

You shoot the string and send the Molotov Cocktails into the warehouse, then you reload the launcher with the spears and light the fuse.

Franz Messerschmitt: **lights the fuse** Fire away. **heads into the tunnel**

You come out the tunnel and reload the launcher on cliff 3. You light the fuse and shoot the string on the catapult. Sending more Molotov Cocktails into the harbor.

Franz Messerschmitt: **picks up the motor shells**

Mark Wayne Windle: MEME TIME!!!


You throw all of the motors and move to the second cliff and do the same. When that's done, you move back to the first cliff and also throw the motor bombs at the harbor.

Franz Messerschmitt: Might as well shoot. **removes suppressor and switches to full-auto**

**machine gun noise**

Franz Messerschmitt: **reloads**

**machine gun noise**

You fire all of your bullets into the harbor and pull out a hand made gun chambered it in the Mauser Karabiner 98k cartidge. You fire all of the ammo at the ship girls you see, basically sniping them with a crappy hand made gun.



Franz Messerschmitt: And that's all she wrote chief.

You set a fire to the all of the catapults and rocket launchers to prevent them from falling into enemy hands.

Franz Messerschmitt: Alright, time to head back.

Some time later

You arrive at the mouth of the cave and crawl inside. Then you crawl into the deeper part of the cave. Finally arriving at the Code SH.

Franz Messerschmitt: **sits down and sighs** Lets face it, they probably know that I am hiding in this cave. So do I surrender, or fight to the death? Obviously fight to the death. These cowardly scum bags won't take me obviously trail me and sentence me to death.

You think about your opinions and come down to one conclusion.

Franz Messerschmitt: If I escape and make it to an abandoned/deserted island, then they won't be able to find me. Because I'm on an island that is abandoned, thus, they won't search an abandoned island. I'll search for a Code P in the morning and if I can find one, then I will load all of the remaining rations, the Gewehr 43, the S84/98 III bayonet, the Mauser C96 pistol, and the remaining two weeks worth of ammo into the plane and take off during the night.

You look back at the crate see a note sticking out.

Franz Messerschmitt: **picks up the note** Oh, there's the damn map for the Iron Blood's territory. Oh well, I'll be leaving anyway. I still need to take a damn shower and clean my clothes. **sighs** Life if life, and there isn't anything I can do about it. I will start the search in the morning.


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