I'm naked.

I grabbed the sheets and lifted them, only to notice that my panties were missing too.

"Oh my God, I'm totally naked," I whispered to myself. With terror in my eyes, I looked at the man beside me and moved the black sheet covering his lower body very, very slowly. My eyes widened and I gasped when I saw his half-naked buttcheek and immediately let the sheets fall on him again, covering up his beautiful bum.

I started panicking, hopping out of the bed, and starting to look around for my things. A sharp pain shot to my core and my legs wobbled as my feet touched the ground. I doubled over, my lower abdomen burning from the pain.

Fucking hell, I need to get out of here.

Pushing past the pain, I looked at the nightstand and found my phone. I grabbed it, turning on the flashlight on the lower level, and pointed it to the black leather armchair to find my bra and a black button-up shirt, guessing that it was his. I took my bra and after placing my phone in between my thighs, I put it on. I grabbed my phone again and as I was walking I stepped on something sharp and hard.

I grunted and bit my cheek hard, afraid that I would make a sound and wake up that beast on the bed. I looked back to the bed and to my relief, he was still in the same position. I looked down and pointed with my flashlight to see that I stepped on my black heel. I picked it up and placed it beside the foot of the bed. I continued to look around, hoping to find my panties and my dress.

I tried not to think about the stranger on the bed or the fact that I slept with someone I don't even know, and kept looking around the enormous room. I pointed my phone to the black coffee table and ding, ding, ding! There were my panties! I placed my phone on the table and picked them up, throwing them on.

I cringed visibly as I tried not to think about wearing the same panties as yesterday.

I pushed my disgust aside because my main goal was to get out of this place before this stranger wakes up. For some reason, I feel threatened by his mere existence.

I searched and searched around the room for my dress, but to no avail. However, I managed to find my leather jacket and my purse on the sofa and my other heel underneath the bed.

As I was searching around this room, I thought to myself how huge this room was, how tall the walls were and how high was the ceiling built. It's like a giant lived in here.

I looked up to the ceiling and then I saw it.

My beautiful red dress was on the damn ceiling, hanging from the lamp. The modern metallic design around the lamp seemed to be designed as branches, and my precious dress was hanging on top of it, tangled around the branches.

Before I started to figure out ways to reach it, I noticed that it was ripped in half.

"Fuck!" I curse at the ceiling and groaned slightly, mourning for my dress.

Okay, what now?

My dad's face popped into my mind. Keep moving on.

Plan B.

Putting my hands on my hips, I looked around the room once again and my eyes fell on the armchair, that had the guy's shirt in it.

It's not like I have any other choice.

I walked back to the armchair and grabbed his black linen shirt, putting it on and buttoning it up. His spicy cologne entered my nostrils and I breathed it in deeply.

Hmm, wood.

His shirt fell to my mid-thigh and I couldn't help but think how tall he might be, considering the size of his shirt.

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