Part 10

62 21 12

"To all those in lockdown, cheer up  ☺️😊☺️"



     Since it's hospital rules only one relative can stay and Abbu is in no condition, Nina decided to stay while Abbu is supposed to go home.

        After giving me a task Abbu left reluctantly to take care of Naflat after he was promise Ummi and Noor's condition will be Ok InshaAllah and also the situation with Noor's look alike will be resolved the next morning.

      I also left for home but I don't live with my family, so I bought some food (plantain chips with egg) and fruits on my way home. I don't even have an appetite but I have to try and eat. I feel fatigue and disturbed. I hope Noor get well soon.

 The moment I arrived home, it is not much just a three-bedroom apartment a gift from my father. (A sitting room, my bedroom, my study room, my recreation arena, a kitchen and store)

 I parked my Mustang convertible and carry my suitcase, coat, my phones, the food I bought and my apartment key. I unlock it and drop my coat on the hanger in the hallway and entered the sitting room, I proceed to my bedroom after dropping the food on the dining table. I quickly took a bath, dress up in my pajama pants. I wasn't able to eat the plantain chips with egg, so I just take the fruits with some milkshake I left in the fridge. I prayed before going to bed hoping tomorrow will be better because honestly today is.......
Just speechless!



    Abbu wasn't able to sleep that night, how can it be? Wasn't the baby death, then how is she alive? Looking at that girl was like looking at Noor. If she is still alive, then what happened that night 18 years ago.

  He can still remember Naflat hopeful eyes when he came home alone and how downcast she was that her Ummi and roro are not here with her and why are they not coming home today. He remembers how he had to convince her Ummi is working in the hospital as she sometimes occasionally does and Noor (roro) is getting to know her new school. Even though she is smart she still accepts his explanation after noticing how tired he looks and went to sleep after he promised her tomorrow InshaAllah Ummi and Noory will be home.

     He wakes up in the middle of the night to pray for his wife and daughter. He misses his wife, his khair, his noor who gave him another Noor. He misses them a lot that night. He prayed for their quick recovery and hope such event never happen again and promised to investigate further.

     By dawn, he has already prayed and get ready to leave for the hospital. He first called Nina and heard that Noor has already regain conscious and is praying but Ummi is still unconscious. Alhamdulillah !!! That is what he is repeating. Even though the progress is just Noor, he is still happy.

     He made sure Naflat will be taken care of and will be taken to school on time, so he left for the hospital.

      On his way, he notifies his secretary to cancel his schedule for the whole day which she obliges.



 I wake up before dawn, prayed and quickly get ready. I took a cup of coffee and an apple before calling my mom. I greet her good morning and ask how is everyone doing before asking her to pray for me which she replied that every one is doing ok Alhamdulillah and that they all miss me and will always pray for me. She blesses me and hang up the phone. I love my family and I really miss them. It's getting to two months when we last saw each other. I pick my suitcase, phone and put on my coat before leaving for the hospital. I lock the door and make my way to my car Mercedes-Benz E-500. I switched on the car and left for the hospital. Hope everything goes ok.

     I almost forgot but I quickly make a call on Abbu's issue and it will be sorted in two days.

An extra POV for Abbu.

Curious to know what will unfold. Follow me on Wattpad or inkitt.
Your comments will be appreciated.
Yours truly,


Dedicated to
all those fighting for their lives,All those infected with Covid-19 and all those trying to make a difference. Your not alone, we are all with you.


Wattpad: nuseeclassy

RISING STAR Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora