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When i arrived at the hospital, i ran for the front desk.

"excuse me miss i looking for a paitent by the name of Choi HueuningKai??"

"Yes, he is a resident here, but only immediate family are allow to see patients" said the nurse not looking away from the screen in front of her.

"I am family im his older sister"

"fine you may go, he is in room 18, floor two."

"Thank you ma'am"

Not wasting any time i immediately headed toward the stairs, i didn't even bother to use the elevator because i knew it would take to long. Finally on the right floor, i speed down the hall, cutting at a corner i found my parents, Yeonjun, Beomgyu, Soobin, and Taehyun both standing and siting around with sadness plastered on their faces.

"Omma, Appa" i said letting them know i have arrived.

"oh Hobline your finally here, come have a seat" my mother said patting the spot next to her.

"Ma, could you please explain what happened to Hueuning?"

"Oh well i wasn't home, but Yeonjun can tell you" she said getting up, walikng over to the doctor who had come out of Hueuning's room.

Get up from the bench, i walked down the hall toward Yeonjun.

"Yeonjunnie, what happened to Hueuning, Omma says she wasn't home so that leaves you and the others so care to explain?"

"yeah, well nothing really happened but i was in the kitchen when all of a sudden i heard a louad thud, i went to go see what it was and guess what i found..."


"Hueuning at the bottom if the stairs laying in some weird position. He looked like he was hurting badly so i called an ambulance and we ended up here, at the hospital."


"im sure he's fine now...but what about you where have you been its like pitch black outside?"

"well, ya see after school Felix and i stu-"

"Ooouu, you and Felix huh? i always knew there was something going on"

"huh? me and Felix- no we were studying, for my test coming up. what do you mean OoOouUuuU?"


"Hey guys the doctor said we can go in and see Hueuning, now come on" Soobin said taking both of our hands and dragging us into the room.

the room was super sterile, this is why i hate hospitals the smell reminds my of when we were younger and always came here to get out yearly shots.

God i hate needles...


"hey, bud how are you feeling?"

"not good at all"

"umm does it still hurt?"

"yea" he said in a small voice.

"is there anything you would like? i'll get it for you anything you want" i said this to try and cheer up my cute and innocent baby brother, to at least try and help him hold on to the bit of hope he had left before he would come home and even after that he would have to wait longer until he would be able to get that cast off his foot.

"yea could you maybe get me my favorite smoothie?"

"sure anything for you buddy" i said patting his hand getting up to leave.

"Thank you~" he said smiling.


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