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aaahhh there's nothing like a nice hot sh-

"what th- whose taking a shower they used all the hot water!!"

"sorry Hobi!"

gosh, this boy i am really just like about to straight up start hitting him.


Now at school and it was about the start of 5th period, when i entered the classroom i quickly walked to my seat and put my head down because this is the class i hate the most. i hate this class because this girl named Karen always sneaks in here when the teacher leave to hang with her friend. she would always try and pick a fight with me she would say things like "eww why aren't you dead already" or "your so ugly that's why no one loves you, go die in a hole you slut" and to be honest i never gave any real thought to it because it but to day i'm actually kind of already pissed off and i don't some girl telling how to live my life.

"well, hello hello look who it is" says Karen as she walks up to my desk with her friend right behind her.

"what do you want?" i asked raising my head.

"Oh My! look at you", she clicks her tongue," Your even uglier than your brother..."

wait what did she just say?

"say that again"

"what? that your even uglier than your brother"


"so, your the one who has been giving Huening problems" i said aloud but no one else could hear what i was saying.

Karen and her friend started to turn around and walk away when i leap up from my chair and quickly walked up behind her. next thing i knew i had a hand full of Karen's hair now all i could do now is pull as hard as i could.


[flash back ahead]

"Hobline Choi to the principal's office"


"Ms.Choi you have 2 weeks after school detention cleaning classrooms."

Srry guys idek how to write let alone fight scenes.

.𝐰𝐝𝐲𝐥. | @𝐛𝐱𝐛𝐢𝐞_𝐜𝐡𝐱𝐧𝐠𝐛𝐢𝐧Where stories live. Discover now