.4 (pt 1)

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"Family Meeting!" yells Sujin downstairs in the livingroom.

After a couple of minutes everyone including the pets was gathered in the livingroom. each of them setting in place on the big L-shaped couch. once the room fell silent Sujin got up and started to speak.

"As you guys may know it's almost the weekend so me and your father thought that it would be nice if we all had so family time together."

"Eomma, Appa are you serious?" asks Taehyun.

"Yes, of course why wouldn't we be?" says Min-soo as he reachs over to get his bottle of water off of the table.

"mm...okay well if were actually doing this what are we gonna do? where are we gonna go?" Soobin asks while folding his arms trying to think really hard.

As soon as those words left Soobin's mouth both twins turned toward each other so fast that its like the same light bulb. they both grinned so wide that you could literally see their gums. they both immediately stand up then jump on top of the couch.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Beomgyu asks.

"Gyu, why wouldn't I be?" Hobline replies.

"Okay on the count of three say what your thinking"

"mHm, 1, 2..."

"Here we go again" Taehyun whispers to HueningKai while petting Rain.


"CAMPING!!" yell the twins.

"To be honest that's not a bad idea" says Soobin.

"Then its settled then we're going camping!!"

.𝐰𝐝𝐲𝐥. | @𝐛𝐱𝐛𝐢𝐞_𝐜𝐡𝐱𝐧𝐠𝐛𝐢𝐧Where stories live. Discover now