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Per usual Hobline continued to go to detention. and Her and the boy who's name she came to find out was Lee Felix made an agreement and decided to continue to help each other untill their punishment was over. During this week Hobline and Felix have become closer and closer. at the end of their two weeks detention they also exchanged numbers.


It was lunch and i decided not to hand out with the boys today. so headed to the library to study some stuff because i'm really really bad at math is the one class that i have to lowest marks in. A few problems in and im already done with life so i asked for some help.


Me: uh- Oi Felix!

Detention Buddy: Ye?

Me: i need help studying math would you mind helping me?

Detention: okay? lets meet you after school

Me: alright bet!



After school they met up at a coffee house. when Hobline walks into the shop she looks around to find Felix, when she spotted him she walked over to the table he sat at. she placed the books she had in her hands on the table and sat down.

"How was your day?" He asked her.


"Cool, well you said you needed help with ur work"

"Oh yeah I need help with math..."


"Here you go mate" Felix said handing her an iced coffee.

"I could have got one myself but thanks I guess"

An hour both of them had been sitting in the cafe and it was almost closing time. Putting down his pen then letting out a deep sigh.

"Hobi i-i give up Math is so stupid why is it even a thing let's go I getting pretty dark outside and there are barely people in this shop let's go" Felix said standing up and taking his backpack heading for the door.

"Yah!, wait up!!" She yelled grabbing her books of the table shoving them in her bag as she walks to the door.

When she left the cafe she looked around when she saw him she ran up and walked alongside him.

"Lix!! Where are we going its getting dark"

"You know what I just realized that my friends are having a gathering at our spot where we skate. So let's goooooo!" He said- before she could say anything else he intertwined there hands together and took off running.


I tried to tell Felix that it was getting late but before I could tell him he locked our hands and took off running. I tried slowing him down but he just keep running. To be honest it was kinda fun. The way the wind was blowing my hair made me feel so free, my heart was beating and it felt great but everytime I look my hand wrapped up in Felix's made my heart beat even faster. When we arrived at the hidden skate park we came up upon Felix's friends who were just sitting around.

"AYE YO LIX YOU MADE IT!" yelled a boy when big eyes.

"Ooouuu and you brought a girrrlll-"

"My boy's got game!"

"Hey hey hey shut up-" he spat at them.

"Well it ur not dating then I might have to steal this cutie" one of them said winking at me.

Uh-thank i guess i don't know?

"Ha ha um no you aren't stealing anything!" Felix states.

"Ooouuu someone angry..."

"Im just protecting her from yo crusty Playboy ass"

"Come on Bro why you had to do me like that!?"


After a while we all introduced ourselves. There names were...

Chan- The oldest, Aussie #2
Minho- Playboy #1
Changbin- the loud one who wants to be dark
Hyunjin- Playboy #2
Jisung- Squirrel boy
Seungmin- the loud cutie
And last but not least...
Jeongin- the cutie who you just want to put I'm your pocket and love forever!

They also had a name for their friend group it's called STRAYKIDZ. Hanging out with these boys actually made me miss my own boys at home-


What the hell is going on?

I looked down at my phone, unlocked it then read my newest notification.

"Hobline...Hueuning..." I read, "OH MY GAWD- HOLY SHIITT!"

"Hey Kid, you okay??" Chan asked.

"Lix", I began, "i-i gotta go..." Was the last thing I said before bolting off.

To be continued~

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