Chapter Twenty Six: Begging for the brother's protection

Start from the beginning

"And let me guess," Dean interrupted, "he is Sam's guardian angel, huh?"

"No, although I really think you would probably preffer it that way. No guardian angel uses their human as vessel, and Sam is Lucifer's perfect vessel. He was born for it. But no, the human isn't Sam." it took five seconds for Dean to straighten up and look at Cas right in the eye.

"It's not her, right?" he asked, shaking Castiel, his feet almost banging the floor everytime Dean did so. Castiel looked away and Dean got even more mad, "Tell me it's not her!" he demanded.

"Lucifer is Delilah's Guardian Angel, Dean." Dean let go from Castiel and walked in circles, muttering incoherences and putting his hands over his head. His eyes watered a little because of all the theories that came to his mind after this news were given to him. Awful theories. "His plan with her isn't evil, though, as you may think." Castiel pointed out and Dean shouted at him.

"He's the godamn Devil, Castiel, how can you say his plans with my sister aren't evil?!"

"He can lie, Dean, but his words were, in fact, kind of convincing: 'A guardian angel shows a path, the human decides to take it or not. ' " Dean analyzed the words carefully.

"Bullshit. That son of a bitch is no good."

"Dean!" Castiel said alarmed, "By calling him a son of a bitch, you are calling me a son of a bitch and, for that matter, you are calling God a bitch. You can't call God a bitch, Dean."

"It's a saying, Castiel!" Dean shouted desperate. "And why do you have to initiate and end a sentence with my name?" he asked suddenly amused.

"I don't know." Castiel said admitting confusion too.

"Are you my guardian angel Cas?" Dean asked, the idea bothering him.

"No. I am well informed that yours is Michael." Castiel said shrugging. "I don't have a human, right now, my next human is supposed to be born in twelve years."

"Wait?! You said a Guardian Angel isn't supposed to use his or her human as vessel, why is Michael my angel if he wants to use me as his meat suit."

"Dean, I have learned from you the art of lying. Plus, the Archangels can pretty much do anything they want. Is unnatural, but so is confining us into these bodies. As long as the human says yes..." Dean nodded. So Michael was 'his guideance'. He never felt him guiding, so, if there was a complaint paper, he wanted to fill it. "Dean, Lucifer has more power on Delilah than Sam, you or even me. So, try not to mess with him. He can't be killed and you know it. Just, try to protect her as much as you can. But if she feels the call, if she needs him, and she will let me tell you, you can't stop her. And Dean: she is not evil, it took me hours to convince her she isn't evil, and I think I didn't succeed completely. A guardian angel doesn't define a person."

"She knows?" Dean asked skeptical.

"Yes. She insisted on the subject, she insisted on me telling her and I did." Castiel said shrugging. "I have to go, Dean. Remember what I said." and he dissapeared even before Dean could say 'bye.' As soon as Castiel left, Sam and Delilah ran in. 

"I'm gonna need a shower. And a lot, lot, LOT of Coca Cola." She shouted while taking her running shoes off and almost making a strip-tease. She stopped and smiled sweetly at the brothers who were slightly confused at her confidence. She ran towards the bathroom, that thank God there was a bathtub. She filled it with water and sank into it. She sighed and started to mutter songs on her head.

Dean told Sam everything Castiel and him talked about. Every single detail. And Sam couldn't just close his mouth. He wasn't only surprised, but everytime Dean said something about Delilah he would look at the bathroom's door. For the first time, since a long time ago, he was scared. He was scared for his little sister.


The next day, while having breakfast with her brothers, Delilah couldn't help but notice someone far, outside the small restaurant. Ignoring Dean's words of not leaving, (and Sam's), she walked away in the cold morning of November. She shuddered and tried her best to warm her body with the jacket, but it just didn't happened; she wasn't used to so much cold. 

"Hi." She muttered, her teeth gritting.

"Hi." he said sounding more normal than her, smiling widely to her and grabbing her hands. He entangled his hands with hers and brought them closer to his chest. She was warmed enough soon, and breathed a little slower.

"So...what are you doing here?" Delilah asked breaking the awkward silence that only the strong wind broke.

"What's the matter on seeing each other?"

"Nothing. Actually, I've been wanting to see you." She walked towards him and hugged him tightly, playing with his hair with her fingers and kissing his neck; sweet, short kisses, warm against his neck in that cold weather.

"Delilah, don't tease me." he said smirking, but she couldn't see him, her face buried against his neck breathing calmly.

"Or else?" she asked.

"I'll take you far from here, and I won't care if it's illegal, or if you're underaged, I'm going to show you something."

"Oh," she said facing him, "I'll be waiting excitedly for when that day come, then." she said winking.

"Your brothers, they are looking at us."

"Yeah, I get it, you have to go." she kissed him a quick sweet kiss on his lips that left him craving for more. She walked away and turned around, "See you later, Gabriel."

He smiled widely at her and muttered, "See you later, love."

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