Tears & friendship

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Ricks POV:

I back out of the bathroom holding a mirror shard behind my hand just..in case..Steven was acting worse then..usual. I was worried..but if he was going to hurt me i was going to have to be prepared.

I didn't want too hurt him-..b-but..he was so intimating now.."Hey Steven..calm down i don't understand..what you really are..but i know this isn't you." I start to sob..i know i have only known steven for almost 2 weeks but he still mattered even if i was close to him or not.

If i had to hurt him for his own sake so..s-so..Be it!

Steven walked out of the bathroom "Rick..please calm down" He said with an unpleasant smile it was unsettling too look out.."I won't hurt you.."He said with an even more sinister and creepy smile.

I held the mirror shard and realised i accidentally dug the shard a bit in my hand causing blood too come out of my hand and causing me too groan "Ow..!" I complain and as i lift up my hand to look at my wound Steven slowly realised the shard on the floor "You were..going to use it..you were going to use it..weren't you?!" Steven yelled.

This wasn't Steven even if he is a jerk! but..i-i was scared-

As Steven got closer i got the shard and stabbed it into Stevens hand so it weakened him from even trying to lay a finger on me "Gahh!!" Steven cried "Rick..- err.." Steven cried out my name..maybe that wasn't the best way too make him weak and maybe get in control of his body again. I stand up and walk over to Steven who slowly went back too his normal size and Steven stopped crying suddenly and i look down and the wound was gone..he seems to be fine..

I grabbed his hand "How?! aren't you even affected??" I yell at him in shock "We'll for some reason..i can feel pain for a few seconds but eventually the wound disappears." He says "I'm sorry about before i-i" I cut him off by hugging him while sobbing "I'm sorry Steven!!" I cry out "You are really dramatic you know that right Rick..?" He says and i quickly pull away from the hug "Ugh! i just saved you..kinda! and you- y-you just call me dramatic?!" I yell at him in annoyance hiding my pain seeing him like that.

Steven stares at me a bit confused how he can hug me after that and- how we have known each other for so little time but suddenly he looked like he understood..a bit.

I sigh "You do realise you've destroyed most of the cabin right..?" I say looking emotionally drained "Yep..so stand up Rick we are on the run again" He grabs my arm pulling me up from the ground "Hmph.." I complain.

Just like that we are off.


Me and Steven had been searching for a place to stay for 2 weeks now and though things have been bad luckily Steven hasn't had an outburst because i've been trying my best to understand him.

Lucky we had found food and water- well it wasn't ours though but anyways- we stole it from peoples picnics,houses and supermarkets too.. but we didn't hurt anyone so that's good enough.

I had finally heard Stevens story of what he is and what has happend to him now understanding why he had those outbursts it was from his body feeling like he was in danger..his life has been traumatic..and now i understand.
I think it's better for him to vent but not too the point he's hurting people.

Oh and another thing those ladies were gems called Pearl,Amethyst and Garnet and they had been trying to bring Steven home and find out what's going on. Heh but Steven just wants to be alone.

But..we weren't exactly having the best time still.


I run on the ground holding a sack of food "Steven!! they're getting pretty close!" I yell out too him as he ran on top of a building "I know i know! just- i'll get you!" Steven yells too me and then two angry adults chase after us "You dare steal food from us?!" One of them yells out too us and we both laugh at the angry woman
"Oh yeah sure" Steven says.

Steven jumps off of the building and jumps up and floats quickly back too me and runs out of the town called "Gunsville" and the other adult starts shooting at us. Both of us are in shock "What the hell?!" Steven yells "Makes sense why it's called gunsville." I shrug but realise a bullet could go through me. I look at Steven "Shield Shield!" I say too him and a shield appeared in front of Steven.

The both of the adults finally run out of bullets so we finally decide it was time to go back with the food. Steven puts a hand on my shoulder "Ready Rick?" i nod at Steven. Steven grabs me and carries me bridal style and soon enough we were in the air floating.

Sure being in the air like this was scary at first but now it feels natural running from angry people you steal things from.

We finally reach the ground and Steven puts me down "Well that was one heck of a day right steven..?" I smile and Steven giggles as he falls onto the ground "Heh yeah..those two were crazy." He says as he giggled. We both lay on the grass and i shut my eyes feeling the warmth on my skin.

I hope things can stay like this..

Steven being my friend and finally not being a jerk and soon maybe my roof will get fixed.


Ahh!!!! ok this was a bit emotional at the start but it had to get cute and wholesome ok!! Rick is just trying to help the sad boi 💕 hopefully this was good but just you people wait :0 things might get bad again with Steven. :) Comment your predictions if you want 🥰~Natalieisajoke 💙❤️💜

Sequel to SU the movie alternative ending!//Why do i feel this way? (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now