Faith in the Midst of Chaos

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Heavenly Father, help us to have faith in the Midst of Chaos. In the middle of storms let our faith shine. Lord we know that faith comes form hearing and hearing the word of God. Help me to keep Your word in my heart during this difficult time. Help me to hold unto Your promises in chaos. Let Your word be my peace. Let Your word be my anchor. Let Your word be what will give me the strengh to overcome this difficult time.

Lord, let Your word produce faith in me. A faith that is unshakeable in time of chaos. A faith that knows and stands on who you are. A faith that isn't easily intimated by waves but is able to sail through the storms of life.

Help me to have faith in the Midst of Chaos. Help me to have faith in the midst of trouble and to be easily shaken by the wind.

In Jesus name. Amen


Romans 10:17
17 So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

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