Learning and Avoiding the Snares of Sin

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( If you can't see the full title because you're reading on a phone, it is " you can'ting and Avoiding the Snares of Sin.")

Today, we're focusing on Proverbs 5. The devotional "Destruction from the Lack of Instruction" (in our Mini Devotionals book) has been written on this passage, and one thing sticks out: sin appears as an enchantress and lures us in, only to leave us feeling empty. However, we can be steadfast to grow in Christ as we gain knowledge about Him.

Today's Prayer


I ask that you expose the beautiful enchantress of sin for what it really is- bitter, an enemy, and nothing more than a temptation that can be overcome in Jesus' name. Remove our blindfolds and set us free from the snares of our sins so that we can continue to grow in our relationships with you.

Lead us back to you as we rediscover righteousness and teach us to be observant and self-guarding. We want to be different than the wicked, Lord; not falling easily into the snares of sin. Help us all, individually and as a group, to be what you created us to be; not fools who fall for the enemy's tricks, but persevering, observant, self-guarding, righteous women who are steadfast to defeat the enemy of sin!

In Jesus' name,


Thank you for praying with us today!


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