Prayer Over You

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I want to pray over your lives today.

Dear heavenly Father, I come to your throne thanking you for everything you've done in our lives, do in our lives and what you will do in our lives. Lord, I thank you for the things we don't realize you do and for the amount of grace you have given that we fail to notice.

I come today because I felt led to pray for your people. Lord, I pray that you might help us to trust in you with all our hearts and never lean to our understanding. I know You'll direct our steps.

I pray that you will help us get into the word more than into the world as this will provide the lamp we need for our feet. Lord, I pray that you help us to meditate on your word because this makes us blessed. I pray that we will be holy, set apart and different. Never conforming to the pattern of this world. Lord, I pray that each girl here will be bold enough, and confident enough to answer your call for you have said many are called but few are chosen. May you open our spiritual eyes and ears to the mysteries you're revealing to us.

May you wake us up when we sleep spiritually so we might be alert at all times. May you help us armour up for when the day of trouble comes. May you help us to be examples in our young age for other believers. May you make our words be like honey, so sweet that it convicts the heart of evildoers. May you help us trust you to a point where we laugh at the fear of the future.

Lord, may we recognise our Ruby-like preciousness and keep our hearts pure that we may see you. May you remove unforgiveness from our hearts and help us not only to forgive but to FORGET.  Help us to have the same grace you have towards us and love others the way we love ourselves. May when insults arise, turn our other cheek instead of rushing to speak.

May you make us Strong women and men of God. In this world of perversion may you help us keep our hearts pure. In these dark times may we renew our minds and think about noble things.

May we be as faithful as Abraham. Women and men after your own heart like David. Hardworking like Ruth. Righteous queens like Esther.  Bold like Elijah. Wise like Solomon was when he was faithful. And followers of Jesus.

May you change, convict, shape, mould and craft us to be the women and men you called us to be. May our futures be as it was designed to be. May no weapon formed against us proposer and the plans of the enemy crumble.

In Jesus' Name. Amen


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