chapter 11

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No proofreading.
Forgive  my grammatical mistakes.


Forth and Beam was having a breakfast which P'Liya made specially  for Beam today.

But Forth because  of his sore mood getting irrational  again.

"There is no need to prepare special things for this poor boy,  treat him like he was earlier,
A poor needy guy who i hired as my worker. "

Commented  Forth while suppressing his internal conflicts.

Beam get trembled and hang his head low.

But he need to ask Forth about his job.
so he make his emotions calm and asked.

"Sir,c-can i still continue  my job. I-i need money for my brother's need. "

Everybody  was stunned with Forth's snapping and Beam's misery.
They feel pity for Beam.

It is very absurd that yesterday everything was well,  what happend now that their Master is treating  the little boy like this.

Forth think for a while and open his mouth.
Okay you can come office for your job.
Hearing this a small curve  formed on Beam's lips.

Which didn't  escape from Forth's eyes  as it is becoming Forth's favorite hobby to observe Beam or say always staring at Beam.

Beam's movements start affecting Forth's mood.

But poor Forth couldn't able to understand his own emotions.




Third person POV

Ming is waiting for his gang in engineering basment for the information about Kit.

After 10 minutes all his friends came and gathered.
Posh and Wai who are lovers also.
Wayo the younger brother of Posh who also join engineering and selected as moon from engineering for this year.
Suthee from medical.
Max from science and Tul from business administration unit.

Its like Ming is having all Heads from different unit in his gang.

Ben, Ming's best friend  and right hand come with the recording of cctv footage of parking slot in his phone.

Here Ming,  these are the guy who shot dimple guy on that day.

All of them were watching the video how they shot Kit.

Ming didn't  realised  that he has tears in his eyes to see Kit in pain and blood.
To cover  his moisten eyes he sniff and maintain his posture.

He was boiling in anger.
He was about to ask who those guys are,  when a guy came running towards him and shout.

P'Ming , "some students  from economy  is fighting  with our people".

All of them ran towards  the commotion.




At J. Corporation

Beam is making coffee for finance dept. Personnel unaware about the whispering outside the pantry room.

Few employees talking  about Beam's beautifulness.

One of them said.
"I'm  thinking about  dating this guy."

Other one replied, 
Yeah,  me too!
He is beyond gorgeousness.

Third one also join and said,
I swear if i get a chance I'll leave my girlfriend.
Look at his pale skin.

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