Little Extra 2

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No proofreading.
Forgive my grammatical errors.


Beam kiss Forth tiptoeing himself.

Forth hold his nape and get several pecks from Beam.

I still found myself in dream whenever you purr like a little kitten in my arms.

Are you for real Baby?
Asked Forth hugging Beam by his Lower waist.

Beam turn shy and shake his head.

See your two Kids .
They will made you  believe that I'm hundred and one percent real P.
Answer Beam and look lovingly in Forth's eyes.

Forth chuckled and kiss his forehead.
You'll be coming to office after visiting Orphanage right?
Asked Forth actually confirming.

Umm Daddy.
Said Beam making Forth shock.

Don't tease in early morning know what will be the consequences right?
Asked Forth start sucking his nape.

Uhhhh No P...stop...i..i was kidding P..
Said Beam trying to suppress  his moan as they were still at door.

Why not i take off for today Baby.
Will try to give one more sibling to kids.
Suggest Forth capturing Beam's lips for a wild kiss.

You are kidding me P.
Said Beam in muffled tone and pull himself away.

Forth was contended with view.
A ravished Beam is something which he always wanted to see.

Forth wipe the remaining saliva from Beam's mouth.

Beam blushed with intense makeout.

He instantly shut door and catch his breath.

You  are bad P'Forth.

Forth grin and kiss at door knowing very well that Beam is still behind the door.

I'm going Beamie.
Take care of yourself.
Love you sweetheart.
Wished Forth and left.

Beam smile and opened the door with red face.

Sometimes i feel like you guys still in your honeymoon phase.
Comment Kit coming downstairs from his room.

Beam blushed more and run again in his room.


Bella parked her  car outside the junior  high school.

Call Dav waving his hand to her sister.

Bella stoically turn to him and sign Dav to come to car.

She put her goggles on and opened door for Dav.

Atleast do smile sometimes P.
Am sure Dad didn't prohibited you from smiling.
Said Dav hugging his sister from side.

If anybody else had said this to Bella then the person probably be on floor with groan.
But once Bella turn to Dav she immediately smile not only because he is her brother but he always remind her Mommy.

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