"Lily, please stop." Naomi said as Lyle sat her back down. She was way too pregnant to be taking my wrath but she is just asking for it.

"Smart Lyle, I knew you had a brain... somewhere in there." I smiled crossing my arms.

"What is she talking about?" Naomi asked Lyle.

"Nothing honey." He said looking at me.

"Lyle do you want me to tell her, she seems interested." I almost laughed. "Like father, like son, right mom."

"Lily you can leave now." Lyle said.

"Thank you mr. Harding." I bowed and left the room. Immediately getting texts from the family individually. I'm a business woman. Of course I know everyone 's secrets, even if you haven't told me yet.

I'm the breadwinner of the family. They think it's ok to lie to me and deceive me. They better have another thing coming if they think I'm gonna sit around and let them treat me like an outsider.

"William, I need a ticket back to New York now." I said on the phone my secretary. I was getting ready to fire him a couple days ago but didn't because I knew his promotional and that I was going to put him in the media team in a couple weeks because of his work ethic. I just wished my family knew my potential.

"Yes ma'am, i'll send you the information..." He stopped mid sentence and cleared his throat.

"What William."

"The fastest ticket I can get you is the night plane."

"What about the family plane William."

"Your father already booked in 3 hours to go to spain." He finished.

"So you're telling me I have to wait until the morning to get out of this foreign country." I said calmingly, trying not to scare the people around me and my secretary.

"Yes ma'am, but I can book you a hotel in Spain for the night and I can have someone get your luggage from the airbnb." He said yawning after.

"What time is it ther William." I asked.

"Um, 4 am ma'am." Now I feel bad.

"Go to sleep William, I'll see you in the morning, I'll just go back to the house and sleep." I told him to hang up. This is just insane.

As I walk down the street ignoring all the messages from my family I see a call from aunt callie which causes me to tear up. I hold my breath and answer the call.


"Lily, babe what did you do." She asked, I wiped away my tears from my face still walking around the neighborhood because I knew that our family hotel was around here somewhere. That's why dad said we should have our vacation in Spain. So he could check up on the hotel and still work without the family, or me knowing. But i'm not stupid. I am now the CEO of the company and I know where all our hotels are.

"I hate them." I admitted to her feeling a pit in my stomach. I walk to the side of a building giving up on trying to get to the hotel. I sit on the floor against the wall.

"Baby, can you go back please," She asked, "Your mother even called me out of nowhere and you know she doesn't like me right now, she's worried about you Lily."

I started to bawl out crying on the floor with my knees pressed up to my chest trying to calm myself down. "I hate them." I repeated to her.

"No you don't, you're angry and upset which are very common for you okay," She chuckled a little.

"It's not funny aunt Callie." I almost yelled at her. She's seriously laughing at me. I will hang up on her.

"I know, but Lily, you are in  foreign country crying, go back to the house and sleep, I'll pick you up from the airport in four days." She said.

"What, no aunt Callie I already booked my flight for tomorrow."

"No you didn't, I called william and told him to cancel it."

"You didn't"

"Your mother told me you would call him, so I cancelled it," She said, "Your going to have fun in Spain and meet a cute guy and maybe even lose your virg-"

"Stop, I need a drink." I said getting up and walking into the bar across the street.

"Sorry, but as soon as you get here... in four days, i'll be there to pick you up and you can come and hang out with me and miracle for the rest of the family vacation."

"Okay, four days... but i'm not staying in that house." I told her. She agreed and we hung up as the bartender came up to me with a drink.

"I didn't order anything yet." I smiled at him, not really caring if my make-up was a mess or not.

"Oh it's from the man down there." He pointed at the man sitting down from the bar.

"Oh ok, well can I have five shots of your best liquor please." I asked him to hand him my card. He nodded and walked away as I slid the unwanted drink slightly away from me. Looking at my phone I see the text messages have gone from mean and nasty to caring and worried.

As my tears came back for a reappearance a felt a hand on my back. I quickly turned around, knocking the hand of my back in the process. It was the same creep from down the bar a couple more minutes away. He smiled at me with his pearlie white teeth. You could tell he wasn't from Spain. He was from america with his american flag shirt on and white boy haircut. His blue eyes stalked my every move which caused me to smile trying to figure a way out of here.

"So you don't like Dachari's." He asked me sitting down in the bar stool next to me. If you didn't know us you'd think we were on our honeymoon by his distance from me.

"Not really my forte." I smiled at him as the bartender came back with my drinks. He carefully put them down on the table and smiled at me. I gave him a help face which he didn't respond to.

As the bartender walked away to go help another man who walked in, the man in front of me moved in my line of sight and smiled bigger.

"Are you going to drink your shots?" He said, putting his hand up almost presenting the shots.

"Umm. Yeah." I answered by taking down two. He smiled then let it go to talk to me as i still stare at the bartender who wasn't giving me any attention.

"Well, my name is Jake." He said putting his hand on the table in front of me caused me to look at him. "What's your name."

"Lily." I spoke quickly, putting my attention to the drink. I took down two more and offered him one which he automatic refuses. I shrugged my shoulders, taking down the last one. Then it happened. My eyes gto all droopy. Like I was losing feeling in my hands. What are unicorns. Am I a unicorn?

"Am I a unicorn Jake?" I think I asked him.

"No Lily you're not, let's get you home ok." He said, helping me out of my chair. The room started to spin.

"I only had five Jake." I said putting up my whole hand for him to see.

"I know." He giggled.

"Honey, oh there you are." A random muscular hispanic man said running up to us from the opposite side of the bar. "She's my girlfriend, we just got into a little fight and she always does this." He told Jake.

"What's her name."

"Lillian Harding." He smiled.

"How do you know my name." I asked him. Can unicorns fly? "Ahhh, I feel like i'm losing my mind."

This has never happened before. I've never been drunk like this. I-i can't think the right way. I feel like I'm out of my mind.

"Okay, I got her, thank you sir." The hispanic man said to Jake that he told me away from Jake and Jake walked off out the door.

"Ma'am, he could've raped you." He told me through his thick accent.

"Mateo, come get her credit card and take her to tha-" I felt my knees tumble under me as I fell. It went black and I couldn't imagine the unico-

Word count >2047
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