chapter 2: Choice

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Jieun POV

"Care to explain ?" I seeked explanation holding my fangirling as much as I can but you can feel it in my tone, Fuck it's BTS, my idol, one of the reason I took this 15 hours flight to new york. my mind was divided honestly, I still have no idea where is my boyfriend? isn't he supposed to be holding this conversation.

"I think the hotel made a mistake, I've been trying to reach our maanger for the last 5 minutes, We will all get an explanation then"

"Great, then give me 5 minutes to go check on my side, I need to talk to my boyfriend" I replied, standing up, I can't believe after 6 years, I end up meeting BTS this way, my inner self complained for the 100th time today.

'finally you remember him' Suga stated bluntly in a lower tone but I could catch his voice and his remarks even if he is wearing a mask and talking under his noise.

Inside the room

I pushed the door of the bedroon to see him filling his bqg with his belongings, "Seungho, what are you doing? "

"I am leaving"

"What the hell are you talking about? where are we leaving? Let's try to check the issue, there must be a better solution"

"Jieun darling, I am leaving" He winked pushing me and heading to the door or the suite. I can feel eyes on us " You must be kidding me Seungho, can you explain for god sake" I holded his arms trying to stop him but he just pushed me away. " It's the end between us, finito, ok babe?" I hated the sarcasm in his voice but his attitude made me more confused what the fuck? I tried once again to reach for his hand," Ok, we will talk about it when you relax, just call me" I pleaded, trying to hold onto him when he shoved me into the floor and I landed harshly,gasping and he throw his phone next to me, that turned into pieces. " I SAID I AM BREAKING UP WITH YOU, FUCK OFF BITCH"

with that I can see a man heading behind him and I was able to catch his leg. I assumed it a hoseok because he was the closest to the door. I wish a hole open up under me and I am swallowed 6 inch under this floor. you talk about embarassement. Guess I had the time of my life today.


We were talking with each other, opening the door of our suite, for this location, the company decided to let us stay all together, since we are staying for just 3 days in NY, we also got a half day off which mean apart from the practice for the concert we had nothing in our schedule.

"Guys it looks amazing" Hobi complimented upon steping inside of the room as for Yoongi he was just waiting for us to decide about the rooms " so guys how sh..." before I could end my words, I bump into Yoongi who suddnely stopped making his bag fall, " Fuck" I mumbled upon the scene infront of eyes.

A couple was making out so hardy, they were both barely clothed. For a few seconds, it's as if time stopped. It's not like we are virgins or something, we all had our share of things but that's another thing.

as soon as she stood up, my eyes couldn't keep from observing her every move and honestly, when she bended to catch her clothes from the floor, I could feel myself stiffen and my groan is starting to twitch inside of my pants. it feels like everything is going in slow-motion

As soon as she looked, she started mumbling, "BTS" I can't blieve she is an ARMY. and a really clumsy one, because she choose to point her hand rather than covering her body.

until she asked for few seconds and we turned around, I can see all the guys baffled by whatever happend in front of them and I was flumbing with my phone, trying to reach our manager but no answer. until we hear her small voice again but this time in Korean which surprised me a little. Her english was perfect even though she looked korean but she was different, maybe her origins. Namjoon focus ! focus ! stop analyzing the girl.

Skip time to the fight

" I was in the phone with the manager when I see her, running behind her boyfriend who was smirking walking away and I could see the evilness in his looks.

and soon after, I can hear them fighting, more like him dumping her and she, just being a clingy woman. I felt like defending her but Yoongi holded me down shaking his head. He is right. it's none of my business.

Until suddnely we hear a loud gasp and him yelling " I AM BREAKING UP...." and a loud noise of something that shattered. before I ever move, Hoseok was walking to the hallway however before I catch him, stop in his track and I could see her small hand holding him from the floor.

I pity her especially now.


I was holding in Hoseok's leg who crouched next to me " Are you ok, miss?" he questionned I could feel worry and pity in his voice and if there is something I hate in this world is people pitting me. I had enough of that when my dad had an accident and my mom decided it's better to suicide than take care of her children.

I took a deep breath before looking up," I am fine, thank you" I stood up but I almost lost balance when he catched my arms to keep me steady, I thanked him with a smile and walked to the couch.

" I guess, we will discuss this matter among ourselfes" I assumed regaining my place in the farest dsofa from them.

they are eyes showed confusing and worry . I can't blame them. I don't think they've saw a more embarassing scene than that."

"First, Are you sure you are alright? " RM examined.

"I think solving this matter is more important than my well being, I suppose I've encountred enough embarassing situation for one night to last until my next life. as much as I love you guys, I just want to find a solution for this bullshit and go to sleep" I bluntly spoke. 'Jieun, badass, conscious cheered at very wrong time'

I could literally feel Namjoon and Yoongi glares right from across the table, followed by the youngest clueless eye-stare from time to time, looking at everyone around the living room.

Although the tension wasn't hot enough to be alarming, it wasn't soft enough to pass it by like it was nothing.

"The manager is already dealing with the hotel, he said he will call us in 5 min..." before Namjoon could end his sentence, the phone started ringing. ' Hopefully, we find a way to solve this'.

After a few 'ok, ok and I understand', he dropped the call and from the look in his face, I can see there is no good news in all that.

" So after long discussion with the hotel, since there is no available suits anymore neither 7 available rooms in this hotel. So if they accept to offer you the best available room in the hotel as well as a refund for this suits or we can just go down and look for another hotel until tomorrow a suits will be available" he ended his words looking at his members since the 2nd solution doesn't really concern me. " but hyung, it's already midnight and we have to wake up at....." Jungkook's words were cut short by a glaring yoongi. his complains made me think about the first solution until Yoongi opened his mouth " why don't you just accept the deal? aren't you an ARMY?" and he was hit by Hoseok who saw my expression change.

"I was at the verge of accepting, but after further thinking, I want to keep this suits no matter how inconvenient it can be for you, yet, since, I am a NICE human being, I have a proposition for you, this suits contains 4 rooms, each of them has 2 beds, I am one person so I will not use all of them which offers free space, if you want to share the 3 available rooms, I have no problems with that, I will let you discussed among each others, your call?" I stated before shrugging the rest of wine in the cup and standing up to go to my room but before I could diseapper in the hallway, Yoongi cleared his throat "what about privacy, rumors and pictures?"

"I've been an ARMY for almost 6 years now since your pre-debut, and honestly speaking, I never knew my first encounter with you will be like that, you have no idea how precious you are for me, yet I wish I can just forget about tonight like it never happened. So don't worry because I will never take any pictures nor talk about this to any soul and I expect the same from you. I am fully aware that it's hard to just believe my words so If you want I can sign any privacy paper you want." they all nodded .

This story is a different kind of story. I am trying to make it special. I am far from being good at english and it s not my first language. I am learning and I am just like any beginner learning. Thank you for reading. Commenting and voting. Thank you just for being here. Xoxo LY LM PEACE

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