Chapter 17 | As The Horizon Consumes The Sun

Start from the beginning

      But this time, we had to make sure we act on it. Rogues don't trespass territories unknowingly. Twice. We knew that.

     But what we were not aware of, was their intentions. The areas they were at were being raided. "Alpha, nothing was found in the pack settlement areas. The temple too was thoroughly checked nothing suspicious was found," reported a guard. Rick's forehead crunches in confusion. I'm sure my face mirrors his.

     "Did y'all search the woods nearby, Will?" Jake inquires. "Some of us are on it, sir," The guard informs curtly. Both, Rick and Jake nod in unison, but I don't miss a knowing look that was exchanged between the duo. "Alpha, you need to see it!"

    "Pardon, Will?" Jake butts in, "What happened?" "Brian just informed me that there was something the Alpha needed to see in the woods. It seems to be an emergency," The guard says his face more grim and serious.

     All of us rush out, not waiting for more and both Jake and Rick shift into their wolves. Synthetic fabric in shreds. The onyx wolf beckons me to him, by lowering himself. Without a second thought, I climb onto Rick's back as the tan wolf next to us, growls impatiently. Growling back in response Rick takes off as I hug him closely. Both of them sped fast through the trees.

    We stop amongst some trees and I get down, readjusting and rolling up the sleeves of my forest green flannel shirt as both of the others slip on some shorts. Following their lead, I too quicken my pace.

   A group of about five werewolves stand surrounding some trees. All of them part ways to let us pass. That's when I see it...


     The blood freshly dripping from the final full stops to the withered autumn leaves were the only sound in the quiet atmosphere.


        The pink and orange hues splashed spectacularly behind the invariant mellow sun. The ethereal orange glowed flaming and brazen as the tempestuous winds whip my hair backwards. The customary pink gave off mild and placid vibes to the observer. The soft sand beneath my feet scrunches as the salty lagoon waves wash my feet. Wrapping my arms around me, I shield myself from the chill air that nips at my skin.

       The soft rhythm of feet steeping on sand alerts me that someone is nearby. Before my reflexes act out, the scent of pine, fig-tree and lemon washes over me and I relax. Strong arms circle my waist from the back as my back is met with a rigid, bare but warm chest.

      He must've run here. All anger at him fades away and I find myself leaning further backwards as I feel his lips on my hair. He tightens his hold on me.

    "I'm sorry," His voice evades our silent bubble.

    "No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have overreacted. I should've let you explain," I was not great at apologies. But when I say it, I definitely mean it.

     "Yes, you should've," He pauses, "but it was also my fault. I should've told it to you. I had a week to the most. I didn't. It slipped off. Which is a very reckless answer. I'm sorry." I turn back in his arms and put my arms around his neck. "How did it go?" I ask him. "The meeting?" He asks. I nod back.

     A soft 'v' forms on his forehead as he thinks evidently. "Alright, I guess. The elders are frustrating. I have tripled the border patrol lines and extra guards have assigned at the gateways. It's not enough though..." He trails off. His tone defeated.

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