You Are My Sunshine (Yandere Ernest)

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( This isn't really considered shipping, because that would be toxic, but I thought I'd include it because it has the characters and is too short to be its own one-shot. This is pretty old but I wanted to post something while I work on other projects. Dig in, edgelords. )

Katrielle hummed as she made an effort to open her eyes, her eyelids feeling heavy. She groaned softly as she started to process the massive headache she had Eyes adjusting to the darkness around her, she took in the view. There were papers scattered and little contraptions and thing-a-ma-whats-its on the floor. She realized she was in Richmond Court, back in Miles-... Ernest's old workroom.

She attempted to stand up but was surprised when she heard the clinking and clattering of chains and she fell back down to her knees. She looked over her shoulder and realized that her forearms were chained to the wall. She huffed and tugged at her binds.
"What..?" She wondered aloud. Who would want to take her hostage? And here of all places? The sound of an opening door caught Kat's attention. A rush of relief went over her as she saw her assistant peeking through the door.

"Oh, perfect timing, Ernest! Now, could you please find a way to pick these locks? The quicker, the better. Chop-chop!" Kat playfully yet frantically ordered as she smiled. Ernest smiled and fully opened the door, walking across the room to Kat and kneeling to her level.

"I'm afraid releasing you would defeat the purpose, Miss Layton." He chuckled softly.
Kat blinked.
"I don't appreciate you joking at my expense, Ernest. Please, help me." Kat's tone was firmer now.
"Oh, it's no joke." Ernest's tone was much darker now, though he still wore such a sweet smile.
"I'm not letting you go."
Katrielle went pale as the realization hit her. Ernest wasn't playing around. "You're...You're the one who brought me here..?"
Ernest nodded with a gleam in his eye
"Mm-hm!" He hummed.
"I thought it'd be a perfect hideaway! No one will find us here!"
Getting on his knees comfortably, Ernest cupped Katrielle's cheek.

"Oh, Miss Layton. How I've waited for us to be truly alone..." He spoke in a hoarse whisper, making Kat shiver.

"I've been waiting so long to tell much I love you!"

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