Starving For You

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[[TRIGGER WARNING: Concepts of eating disorders (with a happy ending, of course.)]]

(Katrielle finds out that Ernest has been eating less, and she starts to worry.)

"Aren't you hungry, Ernest?"

"Oh! Haha, not at all, Miss. I've already eaten."

"Funny, I haven't seen you eat."

"Oh, please don't worry about such things, Miss Layton! I appreciate it, but I'm completely fine! Here, have some more."

Ernest grinned as he took the pan of lemon pepper salmon and forked some more onto her plate. Katrielle blinked before welcoming the food and eating more without hesitation.

"Gmph, you're sure you don't-?"

"Oh for the love of Dog, at least swallow before talking!" Sherl groaned from under the table, laying in front of his fish-filled bowl.

Katrielle scoffed and swallowed.

"Are you sure you're not hungry?"

"Miss, please. Just drop it. I hate seeing you worried!" Ernest set the pan down. He seemed so tired and cloudy for the last few weeks, and Kat had only noticed today that he hadn't really been eating. Not regularly, at least. He'd only have the occasional meal when they went out on investigations. Kat was starting to worry.

Ernest looked to the wall mounted clock. It was nearly 9:00 PM.

"Ah, I should probably be going soon." He mumbled. Goodness, the poor boy looked exhausted. How was he keeping up with everything so well?

Once Kat was finished eating, Ernest took her and Sherl's dishes and walked back to the kitchen to clean them.

Kat leaned to look at Sherl under the table.

"Does it seem like Ernest has been you?" She tilted her head.

The old dog looked up at her and raised a furry brow.

"Exhausted from all the work you pile onto him? I've noticed." He grumbled.

Katrielle stuttered a bit.

"I-I don't pile work onto him! He offers!"

"You can always say no."

"He insists!"

"Yet you never attempt to get the work done yourself. It's almost like you rely on him doing everything for you."

"I want to help him, I just...I have no clue how. Talking to him doesn't seem to help at all. He just brushes it off!"
Katrielle hissed in frustration.

Sherl sat for a moment.

"I...I suppose I'll just hope for the best." Kat sighed, running her fingers through her hair.

"We'll see if things get better or worse." Sherl shook his head.

"I really do hope Pinstripes isn't starving himself." Sherl sighed.

"Yeah," Kat looked to the kitchen door, seeing Ernest work through the small window.

"me, too..."


Two days later...

Ernest looked to the clock and gasped. 9:13 PM.

"Goodness, I've stayed long!" He looked over the table. "Oh, the dishes!" He quickly grabbed the dirty plates and rushed to the kitchen. Kat stood up quickly.

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