Bitter Cocoa

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There was something quite magical about discovering a new bakeshop. Walking around a not very familiar part of town and smelling the intoxicating scents of cakes and coffee. Kat stopped dead in her tracks when she looked in the front window of a shop she, Ernest and Sherl were just about to pass.

"Ah! Look, Ernest! This is it!" She exclaimed, hopping in place with glee as her green-haired assistant trailed behind her, stopping to look in the direction where she happily pointed out.

"The place I read about in the paper!!"

The bakeshop in question was called "Emily's Chocolate Kitchen" and the papers advertised the shop's specialty dishes mostly consisting of chocolate cakes and sweets. A place fit for a King, or well, more for a curious Kat.

The shop did have a certain theme going for it. The decorations from the view of the window seemed to have a calming blend of brown and caramel colors, as if the interior were made from chocolate.

"Ha, even the door looks good enough to eat! This is going to be great!" Kat squealed.

"Please, refrain from eating the doorknob before we get in." Sherl chided as he caught up behind the two.

"Quit hounding me, Sherl! I most definitely will not eat the entrance... I can't promise if the exit will be safe, though."

Kat teasingly giggled as she opened the door. The trio entered the enticing establishment with wonder as they basked in the delicious atmosphere, the smell of cocoa and candy invading Kat's senses and making her sigh in content. The place wasn't full of people, which was perfect for such a homey feeling shop. Only two or three other people were seen scattered at tables and booths. At the sweet counter, a very sullen looking cashier stood at a slouch, leaning over her spot at the counter with her chin leaning against a propped up hand. She caught the gaze of the new customers, she hastily stood up without a change in expression, her dark purple hair bouncing with her quick movement.

"Ah. Welcome to Emily's Chocolate. What can I get you today?"

Kat slammed her hands onto the counter with a soft plop.

"What can we afford?" She said with an excited grin.

"If you're asking what the most quality option would be on a budget, I'd suggest the cinnamon fudge bites."

Kat tapped her chin as she weighed her options, looking up at the chalkboard menu that hung a few feet behind the girl.

"Hmm, what do you think, Ernest? Should we splurge? Oh, who am I kidding? Of course we should! I'll have those fudge bites you mentioned and access to your cocoa bar!"

Kat looked over her shoulder to her assistant.

"What will you be having, Ernest?"

"Oh, you shameless glutto-!" Sherl began to yap before the cashier jumped at Kat's words.

"Wait, Ernest?" The girl said as he attention shifted to the green-haired boy.


Ernest blinked and pursed his lips as he looked the girl up and down, then his eyes lit up a bit in pleasant realization.

"Oh, Vicky! You're one of the Gressenheller professors' daughters, if I'm not mistaken." He said as if he just got the answer to a simple puzzle that was still hard on the brain.

"Hm, close. I'm Mrs. Caroline's niece." Vicky's demeanor seemed to subtly change. She still looked sunken, but a sultry tone seemed to drip from her voice.

Hm. Kat didn't like the idea of such an awkwardly-timed attempt at acting seductive, but maybe she was reading too into it.

Katrielle cleared her throat with a chipper smile, which seemed to stop the two from their banter.

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