Chapter 17

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⚫️Grande Finale: 10 or Nothing⚫️

! Extra long and kinda steamy(?) !

Also, for the purpose of you guys and myself I will not be explaining or going into detail about the whole performances of the showcase, if you would like to watch it I as always will put it in the media!! So instead I will skip the majority of the episode and announce the debut part. Okay that's it, please Enjoy!!

A new day began, Stray Kids were getting closer to the showcase. The sun was shining brightly above the whole city, squealing of excitement bounced in the dorm. "One of you go get Y/n, she'll be so happy to see you two!" Knocking played on the door, a head peaked in searching for a familiar red headed female. "She's still asleep..." The deep voice whispered to the figure next to him.

"Don't worry I got her. Head back to the others." The boy confidentially walked to Y/n's bed squatting down to her level. He moved stranded parts of her hair to the side.

'She's so pretty, even when she is sleeping.'

"Wake up, we have to go soon." He whispered her ear, Y/n rolled over fluttering her eyes open seeing the boy in front of her. Without saying anything she tapped the side of the mattress, the bed dipped but no body was next to hers.

"What do you want?" Her voice was like honey in the morning. "Good to see you too." He laughed turning around to mess with her bed head. "Now get up and dressed." The boy stood up giving Y/n a hand, "Okay, I'll be there in 15." She hugged his arm walking him to the door giving him a kiss on the cheek, "It was nice seeing you too, Minho."

Minho left the room with a grin heading back to the other who were eating. "Is she awake?" Chan was the first to see him offering him a spot next to him. "Yeah, she will be out soon."
Y/n finally made way to the living area seeing the boys laughing and having a genuinely good time together. There was an empty spot beside Jisung as he saw her standing in the door way, patting the floor next to him she happily walked to the spot.

Yn/ Jisung/Changbin/Jeongin/Woojin

He leaned over to her ear, "You should grab something before Chan takes it." Their eyes drifted to the boy who was stuffing his face with strawberries.
The majority of the food was pretty much gone luckily for Y/n she got a good amount in her system to start the day. Occasionally one of the members, mainly Chan and Jisung, fed her something making sure she ate enough.
"Changbin you're cleaning right?" The boy sat there mouth wide open in disbelief. "Me?"

JYP building
We have been practicing all of our songs choreography and making new choreography for the songs we produced as 10. The live broadcast wasn't until later, so we decided that it would be best to practice and distract ourselves than to do nothing and be nervous.

"Okay, lets take a break!" Chan called out, "I'll go grab some drinks and snacks, what do you guys want?" He asked ready to type everyone's orders into his phone. "I'll come with!" Jeongin jumped up standing next to Chan while everyone told him what they would like.

The two left as we all sat forming a circle on the floor. Jisung was to my right while Minho was on my left. No one really spoke, we were just sitting listening to the music playing from the speakers. I heard a quiet sigh come from my left making me look over at the boy. He looked down at his lap seeming to be deep in thought, my hand made its way to his knee making him pick up his head turning in my direction. "You okay?" I ask loud enough for him to hear but not the others. He nodded giving a soft smile placing his hand on mine.

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