Chapter 14

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⚪️Here We Go Again⚪️

Our evaluation wasn't until later on at night, so for most of the day we went to the building to train. Right now we were on break just joking and playing our music threw the speakers.

"It's nearing 5:30pm, you guys wanna go grab some snacks and hangout for the rest of the time being?" Chan stood in front of us casually fixing his T-shirt. "Are those abs that I see?" I said reaching a hand out to his asking for help, he gladly pulled me up quickly denying the straight facts. "You're so funny Y/n." Chan protected his torso from his members who soon rushed to poke him. "Let go get some food!" I grabbed Jisung and Hyunjin hands as we went out the door and thought about what we wanted to get for our snacks. "Oh let's get some cheesecake!" Jisung eyes lit up, "You just read my mind! I love you." He said hugging me which caused my hand to unlink with Hyunjin's. "I love you too!" They lightly blushed hiding their faces from each other not knowing their hands were laced together again.
'I really do love her. I just hope she feels the same.'
'I think I may actually have feelings for him... He might not feel it like how I do though.'
"Hey! Y/n what about me!" Changbin pouted clinging onto Hyunjin pulling the two rappers out of their trances. "You two hear something?" "I feel like something is holding onto my clothing." We laughed while Changbin still clung to Hyunjin the whole rest of the way.

"Jeongin my precious baby come here." He smiled showing his braces as he walked to his female member. "What is it?" He asked taking a sip of his chocolate milk. "You know I love you right?" Y/n pinched his cheek causing him to groan, "Yeahhh.. why am I being tortured!" "I just love you so much!" Y/n was now hugging little Jeongin as he stood there letting it go on.
"What about me!" Changbin, Jisung, and Hyunjin shouted from different sides of the room.

We stood in the practice room as we have beforehand, everyone was quiet waiting for JYP to walk threw the door. "This time has come again..." Jisung spoke, he stood to my left hands behind his back just as nervous and anxious as everyone else in the room. Within seconds JYP had came in we all greeted him while he walked to the table. The tension in the room became more intense than it had been moments before.

JYP had made his usual small talk of asking how we felt doing our busking performance, and started his evaluation. "The result after watching your busking performance... first Chan..." JYP started causing Chan to straighten his posture. "You should do better, all of it!" "Yes." Chan lowered his head, some of the members turned to their leader, not expecting what JYP had said. "Because you have to sing in outdoor area without proper sound condition. I can clearly see and feel that Chan's vocalization isn't that stable." JYP finished his final thoughts on Chan moving onto another member.

"Woojin, I can't tell if you are a main vocalist or not. Your vocalization isn't that good. But Woojin... your biggest problem is... your dance stood out too much, because you are in charge of vocal in the group, I'm not hoping for you to dance well, but you shouldn't make your dancing stand out too much." At this point we knew no one was really safe, in this situation.

"As for Hyunjin, you're rapping but I can't really hear anything. As for Felix.... I heard you made a crucial mistake. Why did you do that? But the bigger problem is when you rap, it's not hitting home at all. Felix... because you still not that good in Korean right, so when you rap it can be heard as words or anything."

"Felix your problem for now is your Korean. I think you still need more time. You need to be able to do your rap part and deliver it fluently. So... I'm really sorry but..." From the corner of my eye I saw Jisung lower his head knowing by those words what was doomed to happen. "this time you will not be able to continue together. You worked hard. You worked hard too Felix." I stared straight eyeing JYP as he left the room, I heard deep breaths coming from my right, it was Chan. He was blinking constantly trying not to let his tears fall. By any touch it could possibly break him down so I didn't move, instead I look to Felix, who also had his head down trying to keep himself from crying.

Most of the members had moved from their spots going to either corner away from the cameras. Harsh breaths and sniffs were only heard about the small room. Jisung once again was the first to comfort another fallen member, bringing Felix into a hug.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." Felix cried into Jisung's shoulder. Moments passed by and they released Chan made his way towards Felix. "Always find me yeah? I'm not gonna leave you behind."
Soon after he went around the room giving hugs to all the members crying harder by the second. "Lix, I'm so sorry. This shouldn't have happened. None of it." I cried as he did too, "Don't be sorry. I'm the one who should be." He cried in my chest as I caressed his hair trying to calm him down. "If you ever need me or any of us, just know we are one message away." I hugged him tighter and let go as he went to another member.

Changbin was still crouching with tears falling from his eyes, I knew I had to go to him. "Bin?" He looked up instantly pulling me into his embrace. We didn't say anything and just held onto each other. "I guess it's your turn. I'll be with Jisung, okay." I rubbed his back getting up from our position walking to the other crouching boy.
Once again I got to the boys level and bringing him into my arms. "I'm here, let it out." "How. How could we lose another? My heart hurts." Jisung cried his warm tears falling on my neck, all I could do was hug him tighter. No words came to mind in how to comfort him, we were all in equal amounts of pain, it was just a difficult time to express anything more than hurt.

Helloooo! It had to come to this... Felix's elimination. We all get sad about it still, don't lie. Anywho, I've noticed there has not been much interaction with Jisung and Y/n so I'll try and do some cutesy stuff soon. In the next chapter maybe? Give me some ideas, they really do help a lot. :)

Did you guys see the new comeback yet? I for sure messed my sleep schedule up but for the boys it was worth it. What are your favorite songs on the album? For me they have to be Blueprint, Haven and Easy. Let me know and have a conversation in the comments!

Also Rest In Peace to Kim Yohan, the member of TST. Not X1, I've seen so many fans made a mistake and took it to that Yohan's Instagram. We're in this together guys!

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