Chapter 7

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3: 3: 3 Evaluation

It was another early morning and a very long day ahead for the 10 trainees. We gathered at the JYP entertainment center going over what we have done. "Are we preparing well for this mission?" Chan asked aloud to his peers. Everyone one nodded with smiles on their faces. He looked over at Jeongin's team, "Your team the most its going well, right? Right Jeongin?" He nodded with a small yes. "It's been awhile since we've been together so I think we should watch each other perform."
With our 2nd mission in hand we decided to do a mid-term evaluation. Starting with Team Hyunjin they sang the catch of their song. Performing very well we were all focused. After they finished we told them what we thought but then ended up messing around. "Be a bit serious." Chan had a straight face making all of us become quiet and as we were before.
"This time I could hear Hyunjin's pronunciations clearly." I told his team, Jisung then added on to what I said previously.
Next was Team Minho, throughout the majority of their mini performance they looked somewhat uncomfortable. And finally Team Jeongin took the middle of the floor, it was awhile before they officially got it right in the end they received a great amount of positive feedback from everyone. Being told to do a retake they completed it after two times.
"As I said earlier, be more serious. So if you do, you should do it properly. When we watch you like this, you guys don't seem to be nervous. I absolutely don't want to make anyone the eliminated member."


We woke up at our regular time getting everyone ready for our evaluation performances. "You guys finished? We have to go in a few minutes be sure to have everything you may need." I went around to each of my members seeing what they were doing, "You good in here?" I asked the male who was sitting there a blank face upon his usual bright one. "I'm worried for our evaluation today." "What's the reason for your worry?" I laid a hand on his shoulder taking a seat next to him. "What if we don't debut together as 10?" "Don't think like that Minho, we will debut together. 10 or nothing. No less than the 10 of us." He embraced me in his arms resting his head on my shoulder, returning the action I wrapped my arms around him.
The door softly opened as a head peaked through, his heart clenched at the sight of the figures on the bed he cleared his throat catching the two members attention. "We have to leave..." He trailed on his sentence not knowing how to continue it. "Thank you Jisung we'll be out in a minute." He left the room, Y/n and Minho made way to the exit where everyone else was waiting for them as they came out hands linked making a familiar males heart ache.
On the way to the entertainment building Minho and Y/n sat in the back with his eyes closed head comfortably on Y/n's shoulder and her arm wrapped around his form holding his hand with her other hand. From the front Jisung watch them in the rearview mirror heart wanting to explode, not taking it any longer he looked out the window for the remainder of the ride.

We were sitting in the waiting room for our cue to go out on stage. Everyone was doing last minute practices on their songs filling the room with nervousness. Minho and his team when out into the hallway and practiced there. Within 10 or so minutes an employee came and directed us to the stage.
"It's nice to see you guys here again." JYP picked up his microphone, "Were you guys good? It was hard right?" We laughed nodding at his question, soon becoming serious once again. "The last time there were 3 members at risk of elimination. How was it?" The three individuals spoke up about their teamwork and how they overcame the struggles they went through. "You're teamwork is really precious. I think it would be nice if you were together until debut but, our company's statement is that this is our next generation. Your parts need to be skillful, this is the standard you need to have. So today I'll inevitably watch the 3 teams stages. To match the company's statements I will have to choose the member myself, I hope you understand." Another wave of nervousness passed by us. "I'll watch starting with the first team." Team Hyunjin took the stage as everyone else went to the side lines and observed over there. Before we left we gave words of encouragement to them on their performance.

Two employees and a makeshift bus made its way behind the 3 males. JYP then proceeded to ask them questions about their song and what it meant to them. They began the song having a nice tone and mood to it. Slowly but surely it came to Hyunjin's rap, hearing him pronounce all his lines correctly and seeing how comfortable they looked made everyone smile. Clapping as their stage ended still having wide smiles, "The song and lyrics are really good.." JYP started off and went on complimenting Seungmin and Chan. "As for Hyunjin." Everyone tensed up at those three words eyes glued to JYP. "You received criticism about your pronunciation. It's gotten extremely better. Honestly Hyunjin, I really doubted you. You showed a form of power that overcame your weaknesses. You did well." He completed leaving the boys with relief as they joined the others. "You guys did well!~" We congratulated them.
"Next team." He called out Minho, Felix, and Changbin walked to the center. We called out good luck for them as they made way. He asked what the song was and what the meaning was behind it, then they performed.
Setting the mood right they began singing causally leading into a soft rap. Minho's lines were messed up and caught JYP's attention. I slightly gasped a 'no' escaped my lips, hearing the mistake, my hands grasped Chan and Jisung's as they were beside me. They squeezed knowing what that may mean. Their performance came to an end, everyone felt a little off at this point but still clapped in respect of our members. JYP once again went on complimenting Changbin and Felix as like he did with the other two. "Oh..." He started making me feel more and more uneasy. "As for Minho, you made a lyrical mistake while rapping?" Minho acknowledged what he did. "You forgot it a little?" "No. I got mixed up with Changbin's lyrics." He told honestly. "Your singing improved a little but, still as compared to when I chose you as a member at risk of elimination, you didn't improve that much." That stung everyone's heart strings as we stared at our shoes. "Either way, you all worked hard." JYP finishes and they left the stage. "You did well." Chan looked over me to the three males I did as well giving a small smile patting Minho's shoulder for the second time today.
"And next the third team." Team Jeongin made way to the stage and answered JYP's questions. The song started with the sound of an alarm clock going off and Jisung rapping, we were really into the lyrics. Coming closer and closer to Jeongin's most challenging part of the song. I shifted in my place knowing he struggled on this certain part for some time. But he nailed it, a smile formed on my lips excitedly watching the rested their performance. For the third time today JYP praised Jisung and Woojin just like he did for the other four males. "When Jeongin first started rapping, your voice is still suffocating as ever. Besides that, your dance was suffocating as well. You dance so small, you're dance sticks out a lot alone. So, it was a disappointing stage." JYP ended, having everyone enter the stage once again in a straight line facing him.

"Honestly Stray Kids came this far. Myself and the company had not intervened in anything. We entrusted your leader Chan, but from now on, you have to meet the company's criteria's. The members who I feel that might become a burden to the whole team. The person who is eliminated is..." I felt the stage become tense the knowledge that one of our members will be eliminated dawned on us. My hands started shaking out of nervousness for one of the three members. Jisung grabbed it giving a comforting feeling. "Minho."
That's the conclusion of chapter 7. I'm crying my heart hurts I love Minho. And when I say crying I mean crying. Yeah it still affects me. Anyways thank you for waiting and I'll see you in the next one.
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