Chapter 1

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The sun was shining bright throughout the city of Domino. Years have passed for Yugi and his friends. Finally it was the year they would graduate. It is almost time to leave school and start a path called life. Not everything seems so happy for everyone. Atem's absence has taken a hard toll on two of Yugi's closest friends Diamond and Dawn. Yugi has known both girls since he was a boy. Since Atem left they haven't been the same since.

Dawn was a sweet and kind girl. She is a light skin girl with emerald green eyes and long brown hair. Her and Atem were destined to be soulmates but Faith had something else stored for the couple. Atem had left Dawn behind to go to the afterlife. This left Dawn heartbroken and till this day couldn't bear the loss of her soulmate. Dawn hasn't been the same since. It was like a part of her was missing. Her eyes weren't as bright as they used to be, her hair was always a mess, and never gave anyone her true smile not even her closest friends. Finally she couldn't bring herself to live another.

Diamond was a strong independent girl. She was also light skin just like Dawn. Unlike Dawn, she has Heterochromia eyes one brown and another blue and she had black pixie cut hair. She was there for Dawn and Yugi throughout Atem's absence. She was like their rock. Rocks may be strong but they can also break. Diamond fell in love with Seto Kaiba back in Battle City. They have been together ever since and she even moved into Kabiacrop just to stay with him. All of that love changed into greed after the pharaoh left. Kaiba's obsession of beating the pharaoh grew till the point Diamond had enough. For years Kaiba has been trying to revive  the pharaoh to get his revenge but hasn't had any luck. Instead caused him the girl he loved. Diamond couldn't take his obsession anymore and left him. She went back to Domino to Yugi, Dawn and her friends. Sadly the scars Kaiba left caused her to be isolated from the ones she loved.

Even though the hardest time the three of them still spent their days with each other. Yugi, Diamond, and Dawn never lost sight of each other even in the darkest of days. Which made their bonds with each other even stronger than ever. The days seem to be normal and happy for them little did they know new evil was lurking in front of their eyes. An evil that will test their friendship.

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