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"What," the man in the blue shirt said stepping forward "did you just say to us?"

I looked at him, my mouth agape as I struggled for words. "Th-the woman...didn't d-do anything wrong." The blue shirt man took another step forward. This was a mistake. I should have kept walking. Another step. I should have never walked down this side street. Step. I should have charged my phone. He was getting closer. I should have done anything different.

He stopped. The breath of relief I started to release was cut short. The man lurched for my hands and took the scissors from me at the same time using his other hand pushed my head to the ground.

My head spun as I managed to choke in a breath. Shoving my head harder into the ground, he spat, "You think you're some hero kid, well you're not," I struggled under his hand. He pointed my own scissors at my torso. "This hag needs to learn some manners and from the looks of it, you do too."

"Dan, stop. She's just a kid, man." The other guy spoke up.

With one last glare, he shoved my head away from him. Standing up to walk away, the man-Dan- said, "Now be a good girl and go home."

For a moment, I just laid there. Is this all I could do? Was that it? No, no that can't be it. "Now it's your turn again, hag." he snarled walking away. I called to my body to do something, anything to help her.

Another sound of a kick was all it took. I shot up and lurched for the man. I grabbed his hair and pulled as hard as I could. He was a few feet taller than me, so I yanked him down to my height.

"Ay-AY. Get this girl off of me, man!" Dan yelled. His friend ran over to me and grabbed my waist, but I kicked behind me and got him in the groin.

I kicked Dan's legs and he fell to the ground. I rolled myself on top of him and punched wildly. This adrenaline rush made me feel invincible.

A punch came from my right and I heard a crunch when the fist of Dan's friend connected with my nose. The connection sent sparks into my vision and blood running down my face.

The next thing I knew I was on the ground. Uncontrollable screams shook my body. A heartbeat later, my hands were yanked from my face and pinned to the ground. Dan stood over me. His friend held my wrists tight.

"I gave you your chance, girl"-He unbuckled his belt-"but now you've pissed me off. Let's see how much of that temper of yours I can cool off."

I bucked my legs, but he avoided them. Screaming between my sobs, I cried out for him to stop. The other man held my wrists until they're went numb.

"Stop struggling and I'll let go of your wrists!" The man above me yelled. I stopped moving. Dan started to pull down his pants, but as he did, the scissors fell out do his back pocket.

For just one moment, none of us moved. Then Dan and I reached out at the same time.

I reached them a fraction of a second before him and cut deep into his arm from his elbow to his wrist. The feeling of victory spread through me. Hope flickered.

But it died so fast. Dan's eyes glossed over in terrifying rage. Blood dripping down his arm, he yanked back the scissors and in the same movement, plunged them into my my side.

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