Chapter 7

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A/N - Before I start this chapter, I'd like to let you all know I'll be making a 3rd book. Maybe next year, around March. Or just keep you all hanging on the final chapter (chapter 7) or maybe just totally end it at the second book. What do you think?

Snow slowly fell, trickling down the rooftop. Dipper was in bed and attached to a breathing machine. He had been diagnosed with lung cancer, due to the smoking he'd done after Mabel died. He could rarely get out. His daughter was now 15, Wallis and Laris 18, and Ella being at 14. They all did their weekly things, taking care of Dipper and cleaning up the house. Wallis had planned to go to the University of Manchester, but Dipper was at a dying stage and she had to take care of everybody. Laris was attending the local community college, and the other two were in high school. It was snowing really hard that day. They couldn't go out.

"I wish we had mum. Life would be a bit easier." Laris murmured, pressing on a piano key. Wallis sighed, "I know what you mean. I miss mum too. But sometimes god wants his specialist angels, just to k-" Wallis was interrupted by a loud cough coming from Dipper, and she sighed. "Dipper won't be living for very long, will he?" Ella licked her lips and pouted. Wallis looked up, tears starting, "No, El. He won't. It's going to only be us." Gemma burst into tears, "My dad won't be with me. My mother is in jail and now my dad's on the verge of dying?! I can't live like this." Ella walked over to Gemma and comforted her, "Gem, it's okay. It's going to be alright."

- a week later -
They watched as the monitor slowly beeped, and soon went flat. Gemma covered her mouth and began crying loudly. The rest of the girls cried too, but not as much as Gemma did. She fell to her knees and went over to her dead father, "Daddy? Daddy...I know that I haven't known you for the longest time...well, 15 years. I...I just wish you could see me in my cap and gown. I love you, daddy. Please don't forget me....and say hi to Auntie Mabel for me." A smile spread across Dipper's face, and Gemma smiled back. "Please don't forget me, dad." she whispered, watching a small tear fall onto his hand. Wallis walked over and sighed, "Uncle Dipper...I'm gonna miss you. A lot. You were like our father. Please tell our mom we said hi. Tell her we love her, and we miss her a lot."

On the day of the funeral, a physic came over and smiled, "They're here." Wallis looked up from her feet, "What do you mean?" "You're uncle and your mother, or your father and your aunt. They're here. They told me that they wish they were still with you. They still are, but...not physically." Gemma looked up into the sky, "Love you dad." The physic smiled, "He said he loves you, too."

Dipper and Mabel held hands, and they smiled at the ground. "It's been so long, Mabel. Remember everything that happened? Karlie? Grunkle Stan? Gideon? Bill? You remember all of that?" Mabel nodded, "Yes. I remember every small second and every long hour of it. I don't want to relive it, but it was the best." Grunkle Stan hugged both kids as they hugged him back, "It's good to have you two back." They smiled and hand-in-hand with Stan holding onto them, they walked together, into the light. The final words were, "Sterces erom on si ereht." (There is no more secrets.)

- 3 years later -

Gemma and Ella walked together, hand in hand. Cap and gown. They looked at Mabel and Dippers graves.

Tyrone "Dipper" Pines and Mabel Rose Pines - "Not Even 10 Seconds Could Tear Us!"

"We made it." Gemma whispered. Ella lied down, next to her mother's grave. "Ma, I made it. I made you proud. Are you happy? You and Stan....are you two happy?" Gemma knelt down at her father's grave and smiled, "I know you're happy, dad. You saw me at graduation. You and Mabel. They told me that mom wants to see me. But I cannot bare to see a child killer. I can't..." She frowned. Ella helped her up and they left.

"I'm proud of Ella." Mabel smiled. "I'm proud of Gem. I hope they won't let June see her, though." Dipper frowned. Stan walked toward them, "They love you guys."

After that, there was nothing. Here we are, traveling back to Gravity Falls, Oregon. The whole town was deserted. There was only one house that still remained. The Mystery Shack. And written in carvings, on each of the wooden walls in every room of the mystery shack, was M and D.

There was one last carving, but it was faded.
It said the true spoken words.

"Legends never die."

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