She's barely conscious. I'm not sure she has a clue on what's happening. Reagan rushes over to my side, her hand covering her agape mouth.

"Holy hell, she's human." Reagan breathes. Yes, and that means no healing powers. An attack like this could kill a werewolf, yet here she is, somehow still alive. She moves more, which looks as though it is only adding to her discomfort.

"Please... don't move." I whisper to her. She does as I say, but not on her own free will. She loses consciousness temporarily. She quickly comes to, her eyes widen, and she winces in obvious pain.

"Let me help her," Reagan says in a whisper, but it came out panicked and rushed.

"No." I deadpanned. As much as I wanted to take all her pain, there are a multitude of reasons why we shouldn't do that. One, being then Reagan would be weak as well. And two, we don't know how Reagan's ability will affect a human. We are going to be in the dark with a lot now.

"We can't shift. We have to run!" I yell over the rain. I would carry her on the back of my wolf, but I'm afraid she would fall off. We have to go on foot.

"Okay." Is Reagan's short reply and I run off faster than I have ever gone in my human form.

The forest is pitch black, and the rain is not helping our situation in the least bit. I'm worried about my mate catching hypothermia, along with the damage her injuries will cause.

She must have been through hell. I don't even know how she survived the radiation. It wiped out everyone, and if it didn't, the rogues finished them off.

Her skin is pale. I'm guessing from blood loss. It's hard to see exactly what she looks like, given her state. Blood and mud coat her body. Her hair seems to be brown. It's dark now, but that's because it's wet. I'm sure it will lighten up when it dries. Her features are sharp. Her skin is clear. She's extremely fit, and I'm positive the majority of her weight comes from muscle.

The steady beat of her heart is the sole thing keeping me at ease, and suddenly slows down. Luckily I can see the packhouse from here. I mind link Alpha Matthews telling him I had found my mate, but she was attacked by what looks and smells like a group of rogues. He informed me that he has a team of doctors waiting.

I rush in, and Rylan is waiting at the door. When he sees her in my arms, his eyes go wide.

"What happened to her?"

"Rogues." I grit.

"Reagan could hel-" I cut him off.

"Reagan needs to rest. Helping my mate could kill her." I state monotonously.

He stands up and appears to be smelling something. Well, here we go. "Do you smell that?" He asks, confused. I sigh, pulling at my short hair.

"She's human," I whisper. But I know he was able to hear it. His eyes go wide, and he just stares at me then at her in my arms.

"She's human." I whisper again looking down at her. The more I say it, the more unreal it seems. Alpha Matthews still hasn't said anything, and I'm grateful.

"Do we have enough medicine and supplies? I saw we were running low. What, what would we do? She could die." Medicinal resources are the hardest to substitute with the human's extinction. Each pack typically has a herbalist or the pack healer creates a type of "off-brand" Copy of it. Packs make it themselves most of the time, and trading with other packs is popular. Rylan cuts off my thoughts.

"Our resources will be enough. We will talk more about this when your mate pulls through." I nod. I barge through the cloudy glass door that leads into the hospital room. Walking in, I gently lay her down on the stretcher. Her body is now completely limp. I run my hand through my hair in stress.

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