Fuck Tay was right, Gun always blushed easily whenever anyone teased him even though he always tried his best to pretend like he wasn't.

Thinking back he could realize that Gun acting so shy around him wasn't something that was out of character for Gun as he had originally thought, Gun just didn't hide how shy being around Off made him as much as he tried hide in front of other people. He had let Off see a side of him he usually tried to hide away. Off felt  little flutters in his stomach at the thought of Gun only saving that cute side of his just for him.

"The reason I'm telling you this is because I want you to know that Gun isn't some innocent shy little virgin as you kept on describing him. Gun has been in relationships before, lots of times! Don't tell him I told you that though. He's had his heart broken and he's broken a few hearts himself. He's not that weak fragile kid that you keep describing him as. He's a lot stronger than you know," Tay dished out for Off shifting his world off axis and making him wonder if he truly even knew Gun at all as he took in all this new information about Gun having had past relationships that he didn't know about.

"So if you tell me you want to leave Gmmtv because you're trying to what? Protect Gun from heartache then I swear I'm going to punch you cause trust me, Gun is not going to burst into tears everytime he sees you! It won't be easy to get back to the way you guys were before if that's what you truly want but it won't be impossible! It may be a little hard on Gun at first but he'll get there eventually. He's gotten over you before and he's going to get over you again," Tay said trying to get Off to  finally realize how stupid his reasoning for leaving was,"Although I hope for your sake that he doesn't get over you before you realize just how much you're in love with him."

"Oiiiii!! Okay listen Tay fine you may be right about everything else, me wanting to leave Gmm was always a stupid impulsive decision anyway but that still doesn't mean I'm in love with Gun however!" Off cried frustratedly while up at the roof. "How the hell could I fall in love with a guy Tay, I'm not gay" Off said looking back down  into Tays eyes desperately trying to find an answer.

"I'm not gay either but I'm friends with benefits with another guy," Tay said nonchalantly with a little shrug suddenly dropping a bomb on Off.

Off stopped in his tracks and looked at Tay in disbelief "What! YOU! No way! Who?Shit is it someone I know?! " He practically screamed out hand covering his mouth imitating a scandalized school girl.

"That's not important," Tay said quietly laughing at Offs silly behavior  waving his hands in the air as if dismissing the question though Off could see his ears turn red.

"Oh my God it's New isn't it," Off said realizing that's the only person it could be. "So that Valentines trip then!"

"As I was SAYING," Tay shouted over Off though by the way he's neck was turning red Off knew he had hit the mark.

"Oh we're definitely going to talk about this later," Off said with a smirk excited at the prospect of teasing Tay about his new love prospective.

"Exactly my point Off! I tell you I'm sleeping with another guy and you don't even bat an eyelash, acting like it's perfectly normal but suddenly when we talk about you with another guy, its suddenly a different story. No one cares who you are with these days , especially in an accepting environment like Gmm. You need to stop worrying about the opinions of people who you don't even know, stop worrying about how everyone important in your life is going to react,  don't even consider how Gun's going to feel, just do what you are best at, be selfish and think only of how you feel, only then will you be able to get your answer. Be honest with yourself, that's the least you can do for Gun after the shitty way you treated him." Tay practically scolded  Off being brutually honest with him, knowing he was the only one who would be able to get through Offs thick skull.

Off looked at Tay taking everything he had just said to him straight to heart. Man Tay was right. This week had been filled with so much drama that  Off hadn't had enough time to separate himself from all of it and think deeply about everything that's happened and process it properly.

Either way he knew that he and Gun had a long overdue conversation coming up. From what he'd gathered from Tay it seemed like there was a lot that Gun had lied to him about but to be fair Off had no right to act like a victim having been so horrible to Gun. They weren't going to get anywhere if they weren't honest with each other.

"Oiii! This is hard," Off cried out slouching down in the couch feeling like his brain was on overdrive, a big jumbled up mess up there that he had to sort through.

"Love is hard my friend but I know you and Gun are going to make it though," Tay said placing a comforting hand on Offs shoulder.

Off smiled back weakly at him too exhausted to do anything else "Oh yeah? Why are you so confident?" he asked.

"Do you know what my tells are when I'm lying?" Tay asked suddenly.

Off frowned, "What does that have to do with an-"

"Just humor me," Tay said over Off.

Off frowned at him again confused at where this was going but decided to play along "You get really quiet and speak in short sentences," Off said. It would be impossible to be friends for this long and not know when the other is lying.

Tay nodded "Your tells are really obvious, it's kinda funny how obvious it is actually. You avert your eyes  in the middle of a conversation and look off somewhere else to avoid eye contact and look like you're thinking deeply ", Tay said while laughing fondly.

"So?" Off responded still confused.

"So, when you told me you don't love Gun just now, where had you been looking?"

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