CHAPTER 24 - The Final Hoorah

Start from the beginning

"Oh my god." Amelia said as her mouth drops. Allie twirls around and giggles at herself. "So? What do you think?" She asked Amelia. "Als, if your mother was here she'd tell you how stunning you look right now." Amelia said sincerely and hugged Allie. "I can't wait to see you walk through the aisle with that dress!" A voice was heard as she entered the dressing room. "Oh my gosh Carlie!" Allie exclaimed and Carlie approaches her then hugs her. "Carlie!" Amelia said surprisingly and hugged her too.

"Ugh am I glad to see you two!" Carlie said and crashes on the couch. "I've been so busy with the kids and work. I seriously needed a girls day out!" She said and they all laughed. "So since I've tried out my dress, it's time for you two to dress up!" Allie said and stepped down from the platform.

As the ladies tried on their dresses Trip drops by and gives Amelia a wonderful surprise. He hugged her and kissed her while Anita and Cassie trail behind him. "Hi Honey!" Trip said. "I bumped into the young ones while I was grabbing lunch with the guys." He said with a laugh.

Allie gave him a 'WTF' look, "I'm kidding. I picked them up like you asked me too, honey." Trip said to assure them and let's go of Amelia. "You look gorgeous, Amelia." He said and kissed her then carried Anita. Cassie ran to Allie as they cuddle on the couch.

"Mom! Where's Aunt Carlie?" Cassie asked. "She's in the dressing room, sweetie." Allie replied and kissed Cassie's forehead. "Cassie!" Carlie yelled and Cassie ran to her and hugged her. "You look pretty, Aunt Carlie!" Cassie said cutely. "Well, not as pretty as your mom!" Carlie said and checked herself out in the mirror.

"So Trip, did Chase send you to spy on us?" Allie joked. Trip laughs, "Sadly, no. I just swung by to surprise my wifey." He said sweetly. "I'm guessing you're not the best man, are you?" Carlie asked. "Nope! Jeff actually won that title." Trip said with a laugh then his phone rang.

"Speaking of the best man, Jeff said Chase is already at home so I could drop Cassie off for you." He suggested to Allie. "It's okay I'll bring her home." Allie replied. "No it's fine. You girls might have something more to do today, I'll leave you to it!" Trip said. "Go say bye to mommy!" Trip whispered to Anita and she runs to Amelia and kisses her cheeks. "I'll see you later, sweetie." Allie said as she hugs Cassie and kisses her cheek. "C'mon girls! We've gotta go." Trip joked and held the two girls' hands as they exit the bridal shop.

"So now that Trip and the girls are gone, when are we gonna have a girls night out?!" Carlie joked and everyone laughed. "Am I late?" A woman asked as she hurriedly went into the dressing room. "You're always late, Mia!" Allie joked and hugged her. "Sorry!" Mia replied with a laugh. "Where were you?" Amelia asked. "Had another talk and the Q&A delayed me." She said and hurriedly changed into her bridesmaids gown.

"So Mia, we were just talking about a Bachelorette party!" Carlie said with a laugh. "OMG! Yes I am so in! I need a night out!" She exclaimed and everyone laughed. "So the Bachelorette party is a go!" Amelia said with a laugh. "Ew I don't wanna call it a bachelorette party, it's too cliché." Allie said. "How bout we call it my final hoorah!" She joked. "Then a male strip club it is!" Mia joked and everyone laughed.

"No, how bout we just party?" Carlie suggested. "Will there be alcohol involved?" Mia teased and they all burst out laughing. "Hey, after being a mom and giving labor, I need a night of alcohol intake!" Mia said. "Stop it, Mia you're killing me." Carlie kept on laughing. "True!" Amelia said and laughed. "Who's gonna plan all this?" Allie asked with a laugh.

"I AM." A woman said softly and then everyone became silent.

"What're you doing here?" Allie asked. "I saw Mia enter and thought I could go take a look." She said.

"Sophie..." Carlie said and got cut off.

"I'm not here to pick a fight or ruin your day, I just wanted to do something for you guys especially with all the help you've given to my family." She said softly.

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