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They had broken into groups in order to sneak into the city more efficiently. Lea was having a mini anxiety attack through the whole thing, never being one to want to jump into a fight. As she was walking through one of the caves she felt someone slip their hand into hers. Looking over, Lea saw Obi-Wan looking ahead as his warm hand held hers. Lea's face quickly went red and her heart rate increased more. Surely this man didn't understand what he was doing to her mind having an endless battle with the whole situation. He was a Jedi and she could not do anything with him or he would be breaking the code. But how she wished he would break the code for her. 

His hand slipped from hers when they entered deeper into the city. Lea shook away any thought of the blue-eyed man and filled behind as Padmé sent a signal to the other group.

"Anakin, once we get inside I need you to find a place to hide and stay there," Qui-Gon told the young boy.

"Sure," Anakin said shrugging his shoulders.

"Stay there," Qui-Gon repeated before he looked over to Mya. "I need you to watch out for him."

"You want me to babysit?" Mya's jaw dropped in shock. 

"Call it what you want, but your job is to make sure he stays safe," Qui-Gon pointed a finger at her.

"First they take my blaster away and now I have to babysit," Mya mumbled under her breath and huffed before looking at the boy. "Well, guess we can still have fun."

Anakin smiled up at her as he took a hold of her hand. Mya shook her head as he looked so pleased with himself that she hadn't let go. 

A blast in the distance went off as they peered around the corner. Captain Panaka and his group were taking on a group of droids as they pulled their focus over to them. The small group quickly made their way around the corner and snuck into the flight hanger. Padmé opened it up allowing them to run inside and they were. not shockingly, faced with more droids. Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon used their lightsabers to hit the blasts sent their way as their group ran to get to the ships.

"Find cover," Qui-Gon told reminded Anakin.

Anakin pulled Mya over to the side as they hid behind some crates. Mya tried to catch her breath before she notices Anakin run off to a ship R2 had just been put into.

"Ani!" Mya hissed running after him. "What are you doing?"

"Hiding," Anakin climbed up the ladder of the ship. "Perfect place, come on."

Mya rolled her eyes with a huff as she climbed up and squeezed in behind the small boy in the one-seater ship. "I don't think we should both be in here."

"We're small enough to fit," Anakin watched the fighting still happening below them. 

The group successfully took the droids out as they moved on. Lea stood in between Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon as they made their way out to finish their mission.

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