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Lea sat in the back of her math class just hoping- no praying was a better word- that is class would end soon. It had been a long day, and an even longer week and she was ready for Friday. It was a miracle she had made it this far what with all the homework they had slammed on them this week alone. It should be considered curl and unusual punishment.

Not to mention, math was her least favorite subject out of all of them. She saw no need for it outside of school. There had been a reason humanity had evolved to the point where calculators were now on phones.

"Remember that there will be a test on Monday," Their teacher informed them causing the class to let out a collective groan. "I know, I know. I'm mean, but at least I'm giving you the weekend to study."

Just great.

The bell rang which indicated to Lea to shove her notebook in her bag and quickly walk towards the exit. Just one more class, one more and she was out of here and onto a peaceful night. Maybe she could pick up a new book from the library to read nonstop all weekend, until she was forced to pick up the study guide.


"AH!" Lea screamed clutching her heart as she turned around to see a laughing Mya. "Why did you do that?!"

"Y-Your fa-face," Mya bent over, leaning her hand on the lockers next to them. 

"Ha, ha. So funny," Lea huffed, turning on her heels and walking away.

"Wait!" Mya yelled as she ran to catch up with her. "I'm sorry!"

Lea let out a sigh, "It's alright, just almost killed me."

Mya shrugged her shoulders as they walked down the crowded hall. "Minor heart attack, you'll live."

"Oh yes because I could survive that," Lea rolled her eyes. 

"Nine out of ten dentists recommend it," Mya spoke in such a serious tone.

"Why, oh why do I hang out with you?" Lea asked as they walked into their last class. 

"Because she's the only social person in our group," Ben said as the two girls took their seats in the back of their photo class. "What she do to you now?"

"Just tried to kill me is all," Lea threw her bag onto the table.

"So nothing new," Sirena was already attempting to start on her homework to get out of doing it this weekend.

"So, who wants to come over tonight and watch a movie with me?" Mya drummed her hands on the table, scanning her eyes around her friends.

"Can't I have a date," Sirena's eyes were trained on her homework.

"I'm Sirena's date," Ben coughed.

"Ben, your gay," Mya pressed her lips together.

"Shit, she onto us," Ben grabbed Sirena's arm.

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