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Mya sat on the couch of her large penthouse home. She moved her hand through her hair, trying to push it out of the way as she had a lot of work that needed to get done. 

Politics were not something she used to be heavily involved in, but now it felt like every day she was trying to help Padamé come up with new laws, and just debating with a bunch of people about morality and the right thing to do.

Oftentimes, she had missed the action of the war and the feeling like she was on the front lines of it all. However, being here and helping Padamé was also very beneficial to the war efforts. 

There was one thing though, one person that was, that she could never stop missing. Anakin had been gone for nearly seven months now and it was starting to get hard to not have him around. There were times when she got to call him, but still, that never felt like enough time. 

There was a buzzer at her door. 

"Come in," Mya called.

Padamé came walking into her living room with a smile on her face. "You do know you are allowed to take breaks from all this."

"Never," Mya laughed putting down her tablet. "There is still so much I need to get done before-"

"Before your baby comes," Padamé eyed Mya's large bump. "How far along are you now?"

Mya placed her hand on her bump. "Seven months."

There was yet another reason to miss Anakin dearly. While most wifes got their husbands with them during their pregnancy, Mya's was far away from her. And she had to keep pretending that he wasn't her husband. She knew it would be harder when the baby came as well and Mya just prayed he was back safely before that day came.

Padamé took a seat next to Mya. "You need to rest. Your body is going through enough stress as it is, don't pile work on top of it."

"I can rest when the baby comes," Mya was determined to get all her things in order before she gave birth. "Speaking of which, have you looked at my latest proposal?"

Padamé sighed. "Mya, I know you feel strongly about getting Palpatine off his seat-"

"He's been in power for far too long," Mya justified. "Over ten years he has held that seat, and we need someone new in there. This is a democracy, not a monarchy. Someone else needs to be elected into office and maybe they can give us a better perspective on winning this war."

Mya had been petitioning for the past year to try and have a re-election for Chancellor. And she had gained some traction with her efforts, but not nearly enough to have it actually happen.

"I understand, and I agree," Padamé assured her. "How about I take a look at your newest proposal if you agree to get some rest?"

"Fine," Mya could agree to those terms.

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