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Lea had gotten her own ship, which didn't happen all the time. Mainly because she hated flying and it wasn't every day that she had to attend a battle in the sky. 

The simplicity of just using a lightsaber was what she missed the most. Flying around shooting in the air felt messy on so many levels. 

"I'm hit! I can't shake them!" Odd Ball started to panic over the coms.

"Just relax, Odd Ball. I'm right behind you," Obi-Wan flew closer to him to help get the droid ship off his tail.

"Thank you, sir. I'm sorry I panicked," Odd Ball breathed out a sigh of relief.

"That's all right, happens to everyone," Obi-Wan assured him.

Lea shot down a droid ship before she spotted something down on the ground. "We've got a battle going on the east side of this palace. And I bet you if there's a battle, Mya is in the center of it."

"We'll start looking for them there. All ships, follow me," Obi-Wan started to take charge. "Commander Cody, prepare the gunships for ground assault."

"Yes sir!" Cody sent out the large ships filled with their men ready to help them. 

As Lea approached the monastery, she put her ship on autopilot for the R5 droid to fly. Because when she got close enough, she jumped out of her ship and ignited her yellow lightsaber. 

There was a thrill to it all when she was doing this. A feeling of empowerment she had never received before. All her life she felt like she was missing a piece of herself, and now, she was finally getting to embrace that part of her that had been locked inside.

Lea ran over to their men that had been trapped on the ground as backup started to come in.

"Rex, where are Mya and Anakin?" Lea wondered, because surely they would have been running around here to help out.

"Best guess, they're still inside," Rex told her.

"Okay, keep the droids occupied, I'll try and find them," Lea had a very determined look on her face as she looked around for an entrance.

The large main door were starting to close down, and Lea knew she had a limited amount of time to make it under that door. And although she knew it was stupid to go in with Obi-Wan as back up, she ran forward and slid under the door before it shut.

"Aw, the young padawan," Ventress stood on the other side with two large battle droids. "Always chasing after your masters. How predictable."

Lea was no fool to underestimate this woman's power. This wasn't the first time they had had to face her. "Well, they do tend to leave quite a mess I have to help pick up. Which somehow always leads us back to you, Ventress."

"Take her," Ventress hissed.

Lea started to quickly block the two droids' attack on her as Ventress tried to escape. Getting a bit annoyed, Lea held out her hand and made the two droids crash into one another so she could go after her real target.

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