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What was to come was somehow something that shocked both the girls, on such a level that neither of them were prepared for.

While they had made it off the planet safely- with of course the exception of Anakin's hand- They both awaited different journeys, they didn't quite know if they were ready for.

"Yes," Yoda hummed, looking at Lea sitting across from him in a chair. "An awakening, has become inside of you. Felt it, I did."

After she explained to Obi-Wan what she had been able to do, he rushed her to the Jedi temple. Yoda said he would speak to her alone.

"Am I..." Lea rubbed her hands nervously on her pants. "Master Yoda, how did you not see this before?"

"Before, different that was," Yoda told her. "Before, you were not ready. Ready you are, now."

"For what?" Lea had to ask. "I-I was never the girl who wanted to fight or be involved in anything like this. That was always Mya."

"Ah, balance," Yoda smiled. "Perfect for a Jedi, you are. Born with gifts, Mya was not. Comes last, fighting does. Peace, balance, and wisdom, first is important to a Jedi."

Lea nodded her head, acting as if she understood everything the very wise Jedi had just told her. "So, um, will I- am I... How do I train for this?"

"No," Yoda gave her a solum look. "No. Training, you will not. Far too old, you are. A gift, I wish we came across sooner."

"But, Yoda," Lea pouted. "I have to train. I-I have to know what's inside of me. Please, let me train. I-I can't walk around life knowing that I possess this... gift and not get to be able to use it. My whole life I felt like I was different from the other kids in school. And I now know why that is. Where I'm from... people don't have the ability to connect with the force. At all. You said I was meant to learn something while I was here. Those were your words to me. This has to be it, Yoda. The force is what I am meant to learn and if you take that away from me, you take that knowledge away from me, b-becuase then you're preventing me from becoming who I'm supposed to be."

Lea took a deep breath after her long winded rant. And instantly, her mind started to overthink what she had said to thee best Jedi Master of this century. And she was convinced that now she had ceiled her fate and would never be able to become a Jedi.

Instead, though, Yoda had a pleased look on his face. "Coming out of the shadows, you are. An equally powerful thing, knowledge is. Too old, you still are. But, much to think on, you have given me. Discuss tomorrow, we will."

Lea's eyes widened. "Thank you, sir."

She knew it wasn't a yes, but it also wasn't a no. All she wanted was a chance after all. To get to train and understand the power that was inside of her. 

And now that she had taped into it she couldn't let that feeling go. It was like learning how to breathe for the first time. She could feel things around her more deeply. Everything in the room felt like something she could identify the simple touch of in an instant. 

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