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"Okay, I found us some clothes," Lea held a stack of what she would forever call 'space clothing.' 

They had found a small room in the servent's quarters that Mya claimed and dared anyone to tell her to move. It had two bunks inside of the wall and barely enough standing room for one person. But it was enough for them to hide out for now. And maybe, figure out what the hell was happening.

Lea placed the stack down next to Mya on the lower bed, "Before you say anything, there were very limited options."

"I don't care, I'm just fucking freezing," Mya's teeth chattered together, picking apart the pile to try and find something that looked good enough to wear. 

"Yeah, well, it's space travel," Lea sighed, picking up one of the grey wrapped tops. "I don't think they put heating in these ships."

Mya nodded her head, slipping on a long sleeved brown top over her head. She had to slow her moments when it came to her arm. 

"How's the arm?" Lea pulled down her pants before picking up what looked like a pair of thick leggings. 

"Still hurts," Mya pulled the shirt all the way down before pulling her hair out the back. She didn't bother changing out of the leggings she had on. They were too comfortable and looked better than whatever Lea brought back. "I've got to get new bandages though."

"Well, when you go out there you better find us some food," Lea yawned. "I-I couldn't find any on my hunt."

"You tried?" Mya gave her friend an amused look. "From all the running we had to do?"

"We did all that running after a full day of school and getting sucked into your TV," Lea pouted. "Of course I'm tired."

"Alright, then you get some sleep and I will go look for food," Mya stood up. 

"Yeah, that's a good plan," Amie nodded her head. "I'm crashing on the bottom bed, I'm not climbing up that ladder."

"Okay," Mya giggled. 

She pulled the door open, stepping around it, and walking out. Mya looked both ways down the silver hallways, debating in her head on which way to go. She didn't even know where the entrance to this ship was. 

Her best guess was to just walk around and try and figure out this endless maze. For a moment she tried to take all of this in. On Earth, there were very few people who had been up in space. None of which had been in anything as sophisticated as this ship.

Star Wars... who knew it actually existed. Or maybe it didn't. It must exist because how would she be standing on the spaceship if it didn't? 

Mya had first seen the movies when she was just a baby, her father had been a huge fan of them steaming back to his childhood when they first came out. And then when she met Lea in middle school, she introduced her friend to them. 

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