Chapter 14- Ex Turned Hero Turned What?

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"I just can't believe he would ever ditch me!" I cried in my friend's, Allison, apartment.

"Everything will be alright eventually Kyree," she soothed, handing me a bowl of ice cream. "Want to watch some nasty gore movies?"

"No," I shook my head. "I need to go to work."

It had been about three weeks that I hadn't gone to work or out in public. Allison, who had been my friend for quite a few years, helped me and let me stay at her apartment. I hadn't told Allison about what my boyfriend was, but I told her how everything had played out. She knew my pain and what I was going through.

"Take your time," Allison smiled, standing. "You can always work a little later."

I ended up curling my hair with Allison's curling wand and dressing in gray skinny jeans with a white tank top and red plaid shirt. I buttoned up the plaid shirt halfway and then went back downstairs. Allison gave me lunch money.

"You don't have to do this Al," I grabbed my leather purse.

"Yes I do," Allison got in the car with me. "What time do I need to pick you up?"

"About six," I looked ahead at the road. "I'll text you."

"Alright," Allison stopped, letting me out. "Keep your mind on other things. Like fluffy puppies or kittens!"

I let out a laugh and then shut the passenger door lightly.

"Where have you been?" the boss stood next to the young man at the register. His mustache wiggled when he spoke and his thick eyebrows almost made a uni-brow.

"Sick," I said in the weakest voice I could. "I'm sorry I didn't call."

"First it's the nanny and that boy," my boss muttered, "then you're gone for three weeks."

"I'm sorry," I looked down, "I truly am."

"You're fired anyways," my boss said the words that I knew were coming.

Nodding and biting my lower lip, I turned and walked out of the pet store silently. I'd miss the stinky old place filled with animals- especially the parrot that I always had conversations with. But I wouldn't miss my boss or the quiet boy at the counter. I walked past the glass window and went to the food court around the corner.

"One pretzel and strawberry smoothie please," I handed a five to a woman behind the counter.

She returned with my order minutes later and handed me a nickel. I put it in my pocket and then started walking down the sidewalk again. I didn't know where I was heading...just somewhere other than the pet store or towards the sewers. What was I thinking? The sewers were right below me anyways.

"Do you have anything?" a very old woman was begging a couple in front of me a little ways.

The couple looked at each other and then walked off, completely ignoring the poor old woman. I know some homeless people would take any money and spend it on drugs or bad things, but I felt different about this lady. Slowly walking up to her, I noticed she had glasses on.

"Excuse me ma'am?" I tapped on her shoulder.

She smiled, but I knew she couldn't see me. Slowly opening her hand, I placed my nickel and two dollars I had. Closing her hand in a fist, I patted it.

"Deary, you have no idea how much this means ta me. Live has been hard at home," the lady set the money in a jar. "Husband is gunna have surgery. Thank you so much."

"No problem," I smiled and then started walking again.

Feeling the burn of eyes on me, I turned. It wasn't the woman, or a person walking. Looking up towards the rooftop, I saw no one. Who was watching me?

"Watch out!" a voice made me turn.

A guy on skates ran into me and I felt my smoothie spill all over the both of us. Quickly getting off of me, the young man, about my age, helped me up.

"I'm so sorry! Hear...I'll get some napkins and help you clean up!" the hazel eyed man made me smile.

"Hey," I grabbed his arm and he turned around, breathing deeply. "It's alright."

"At least let me take you to my place and get you a pair of clothes," the guy pleaded.

Not the correct thing to do after just meeting someone, but I trusted my gut. And my gut said to go with him.

"You are?"

"Phillip," he stuck out his hand.

"Kyree," I awkwardly shook his hand and walked next to him as he led me to his "place."

"It's a dump, but I'll find something," Phillip allowed me to walk in first.

I looked around at the rather fancy apartment. A kitchen in a separate room sat to the right, stairs to a room, I guessed, were to my left, and a living room with a large flat screen TV sat in front of me.

"I'm getting smoothie on your carpet," I looked down and tried to move back onto the tile, but ran into Phillip. "Sorry," I muttered, trying to get off him.


"Thanks for everything," I smiled.

"No problem," Phillip led me out. "Do you need a ride?"

"No," I shook my head, walking down the steps to his driveway. "I don't have to walk far."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, Phillip!" I laughed.

"Maybe we'll meet again."

"Now that I know where you live," I teased, "of course."

Phillip only smirked and then waved goodbye. After he shut the door, I sighed. Maybe I could get over Leo. 

I started walking back to the food court where I figured Allison would be picking me up. Once it started raining, I pulled up the hood of the jacket I had borrowed from Phillip.

Quietly fast-walking through an alley, I felt awkward. It had been a while since walking through an alley. Most alleys were entrances and exits for the turtles to the surface. I hoped one of the brothers didn't decide to come out of the manhole I was by now. How could I face them...especially Leo?

"Hey girlie," I looked up in front of me to see what looked like the "Purple Dragons" the turtles had always warned me about.

Slowly stopping, I turned around and started walking away. "Wait up, girl! We just wanna talk!"

"Leave me alone!" I cried when someone grabbed my arm.

I let out a yelp when two of the Purple Dragons cornered me and each stroked my cheek. This wasn't happening....this wasn't happening.

"Help!" I tried to call, but one of the men covered my mouth.

"Shh...we won't hurt you. Much."

The sound of a whip cracking caught the attention of the Purple Dragons and myself. The two holding me were suddenly jerked away. I looked around for my rescuer and met glowing white eyes.

"Leo?" I whispered.

The figure moved from my vision and then the Purple Dragons were dragged away. I stood alone in the alley now. Rain made my hand wet and me cold.

My rescuer was my heart breaker?

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