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Before we begin, I want to dedicate this story to hellishkookie coz she's the one who motivated me to write this fanfic. So it's basically all thanks to her that I started writing this. Thanks a lot for your encouragement💜


I stared at my shoes, the words repeating over and over in my mind. I barely caught Hoseok saying that we should be going back to practice. "It's not because Jungkookie is getting married that we have to stop practicing!" The others groaned and started moving around while I remained frozen on the spot.

Out of the blue, a pair of shoes appeared in front of mine. I didn't need to look up to know who it was. "Hyung, are you okay?" He asked. I nodded weakly, my eyes still fixed on the ground.

"He's not been himself since this morning. I think he's kind of sick," Yoongi replied in my stead.

I saw Jungkook's feet shift as he turned to face the others. "You should've sent him home if he's sick. I know we need to practice but hyung's health is more important than that," he said. I feel like this was mostly directed at Hoseok.

I was proven right as the latter answered, "we did but he insisted that he could go on."

To be honest, I was not sick at all. Jungkook had been gone to meet his family and his fiancée's family and I had been thinking about that all day long. They often met for lunch or dinner but this time, Jungkook said that it was urgent and apparently they were about to discuss something really important.

Of course we all had an idea of what it could be. It could either be that they were planning to call off the wedding or that they were setting a date for it to happen. Contrary to everyone, I was hoping that it would be the former though it was less likely to happen since everything was going smoothly between them but there's nothing wrong with hoping, right?

But of course, I could tell that my hopes were shattered when Jungkook barged in with a big smile on his face. I loved seeing him smiling and happy but for the first time ever, I felt a pang of pain in my heart.

Jungkook crouched in front of me and he reached out to cup my face. "Hyung, if you're not feeling well, you should go home," he said, his voice laced with concern.

But before his hand could come in contact with my face, I quickly stood up and replied, "I'm fine. I just need to use the bathroom for a minute." I walked away without even sparing him a single glance. I knew I wouldn't be able to hold in my emotions if I looked him in the eyes.

As I made my way out of the practice room, Jimin's eyes met mine. They held a mix of emotions and I knew exactly what they were: sympathy, worry and pain. Sympathy and worry because he knew what I was going through and pain because he hated to see me like this.

I couldn't even give out a small smile to indicate that I was okay because I really was not and he knew it. I tore my eyes away from his and made my way to the bathroom. It was not until I was standing in front of the mirror that I noticed the tears in my red eyes. Ah! Jimin must have seen them.

I let out a sigh as I wiped them but it was of no use. More and more tears started forming. Suddenly I heard footsteps approaching and I opened the tap, throwing water onto my face to mask the tears.

Looking up at the mirror, I saw Jungkook entering one of the changing rooms. I quickly washed my face to make sure it would not look like I had been crying. I wiped it and planned on getting out of there before Jungkook could get out of the changing cabinet. But he was faster.

"Hyung," he called out in a small voice as I was almost out the door.

I wanted to walk away and pretend I hadn't heard him but I just couldn't ignore him. I had no idea why but I always felt the need to give him all the attention in the world. 

So I turned around to face him. "Hmm?" I hummed as he walked closer to me.

He stopped in front of me, biting his lip nervously as he stared down at his feet. "Hyung," he started and just by his tone of voice, I knew he was hesitating to say whatever he wanted to.

"What is it, Jungkookie?" I asked softly.

"Hyung, are you happy about me getting married?" He finally managed to ask as he looked up to meet my eyes which widened at the question. I froze momentarily before forcing a smile.

"Of course I am! Why wouldn't I be?" I exclaimed, faking enthusiasm. I wanted to tell him how much I hated it and that I didn't want him to go away from me but I couldn't do that to him. I couldn't ruin his happiness for mine.

I saw a pained expression flash in his eyes as he looked away from mine. "Jungkook, are you happy about it?" I asked without really meaning to. It just slipped out of my mouth. This was really something stupid to ask.

"Yeah," he answered nonchalantly, sounding almost disappointed for some reason. 

I was about to shrug it off but then it hit me. All the members had congratulated him apart from me.

"Jungkookie," I said and he looked at my face again. "I'm sorry to be the last one to say this but congratulations about your wedding. You're really turning into a grown-up!"

I shot him a smile before throwing my arms around his neck, hugging him tightly. After a moment, he wrapped his around my waist, pulling me even closer while his rested his chin on my shoulder. "Thank you, hyung," he muttered softly.

We both remained this way for a few minutes until I decided to pull away, knowing that I might start crying again if we kept on hugging like this. However, Jungkook's hands remained on my waist as if he didn't want to move away from the position we were previously in.

I brought my right hand up to cup his cheek while the other was on his shoulder. He looked up, staring right into my eyes as I told him, "Jungkookie, nothing matters to me more than your happiness, ok? As long as you're happy, I am too. Remember that."

This was my way of telling him that I loved him. More than anyone, more than anything else. And it was true, Jungkook's happiness seemed to be contagious. Whenever he smiled, it would make me smile as well.

He gave me a small smile as he nodded. "We should get going before Hoseok hyung gets angry," he said softly and I nodded. I let him walk ahead, saying I would be following him but I couldn't.

Instead, I went to one of the changing cabinets, locked the door behind me and let the waterfall flow.


As promised, that was the first chapter. It might still be Monday in some countries coz it's 3 a.m. in my country rn and I literally can't sleep! I'm working on some stuff that we were sent by the teachers for online classes (btw everyone pls stay at home, take care of yourselves and be safe) and I thought of giving an early update.

I hope you liked it. And brace yourself for the next chapter. I've already written it and it really broke my heart to write that :(
Pls don't forget to vote, leave a comment and share the story💜

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