Chapter Six - Power of an Ambitious Teenager

Start from the beginning

“It’s good to have you back to Savy-Pie,” he smiled, as he still had his hand rested on the small of her back.

“It’s good to have you back too Freddy,” she whispered, as she buried her head in the side of his neck. Then I felt something that I had never felt before. It was like a searing pain in the pit of my stomach, that I was only feeling now. What was this? It couldn’t be, no, jealousy? Why would I be jealous? It’s not like I’m in a relationship with Vannah, and it’s not like I want to be. I mean, she’s young. She probably doesn’t even know what a crush is. Argh, why was I acting like this?

I was interrupted from my musings, when Vannah sat down next to me, and Fred and George sat next to her. She placed a small dainty hand on mine, and looked me in the eyes. I couldn’t help but look into her ice blue eyes, which were laced with concern.

“Are you ok Ollie?” She asked, as she skimmed her thumb over the back of my hand.

“Yeah Vannah, I’m ok.” I replied as I pressed a light kiss to her temple. I heard a little cooing in the background, and an infuriating sigh, probably from Christian. Sav sighed, and rested her head on my shoulder, as she continued to push her scrambled eggs around on her plate. I ate a little bit of toast, before turning to Vannah, who was still yet to eat anything other than the two mouthfuls she had of scrambled eggs before.

“Come on Vannah, you have to eat something. I don’t want you fainting in the middle of History of Magic or Herbology.” I placed a little bit of toast on her plate, and held a tiny bit of bacon in front of her mouth, to try and coax her to eat it.

“Ollie. I’m fine, calm down,” she smiled, as she took a small nibble on the piece of bacon.

“The whole piece Vannah.” I ordered, with a stern look. She looked at me with a look just as fierce, but in the end, she relented and took the piece I was holding in front of her blue eyes.

“Fine, I’ll eat more,” she huffed, and started to butter marmalade onto her toast.

“Thank you.” I whispered, as I rested a hand on her knee, in a friendly manner. I removed it though when I saw the incoming danger. There was a lot of that this morning.

“Savannah,” Christian started, looked over to me, and took a deep breathe. “Oliver,” he greeted, in a somewhat civil manner, but hey, enjoy it while it lasts right?

“Are you here to attack my friends again Christian?” Vannah growled, as she glared daggers at her brother.

“No, I’m not. I’m actually here to apologise,” he stated, with a slight grimace of the face. It was like apologising was something bad.

“Apologise? You?” Vannah asked in complete disbelief. She wasn’t the only one that didn’t believe Christian. Did he really believe that we were going to fall for his charade?

“Yes Nana,” he replied sarcastically, as he rolled his eyes, and shifted his weight from foot to foot.

“I honestly don’t believe you Christian, but I’m pretty sure you can see why I can’t,” she spat forcefully, as she turned back to her toast.

“Oliver, I’m sorry. I’m sorry for everything that I have ever done to you, I’m sorry for hurting Ellie and I’m sorry for hurting you. I hope you can forgive me.” Christian apologised to me and incredibly, he actually sounded sincere. Sav choked on her toast, and pounded on the top of her chest. I hit her on the back lightly, as she swallowed the offending food, and took a sip of her pumpkin juice.

“You ok?” I asked Christian, with a suspicious eye.

“I’m feeling fine. Savannah is in your life now and that is something that I have to deal with. She wants to be your friend and you make her happy. So, truce?” Christian held out his hand for me to shake. I eyed it warily, but took his hand and shook it.

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