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"I love you Ahra." Taehyung said and Ahra looked at him. He didnt look at her.

"I love you too." Ahra said and they both smiled.

Taehyung walked her home.

"What happened to your head Ahra?" Her mother said and tears filled her eyes.

"Did Taehyung come with you?"She said and went out to find him.

"Taehyung! Taehyung!" She shouted and Taehyung ran towards her.

"Is everything okay?" He asked while panting.

"Come inside!" She said and dragged him inside the home.

She made both of them sit in front of her.

"I swear i'll eat pills and die if both of you didn't tell me what actually happened to both of you." She said and started to cry.

"Mom..." Ahra said and stood up.

"Don't come near me! Tell me the truth or just let me die..."

"One of my class fellow shaved my head....." Ahra said and started to cry. Her mother got up and hugged her.

"I am sorry Ahra.. i was never a strong mother for you." She said and cried with her.

"No... you are strong mom." Ahra said and sobbed.

"If i were strong you wouldn't have tried to kill yourself." She said and cried.

"I am sorry mom.."

They pulled back and then Ahra's mother looked at Taehyung.

"That class fellow shaved your head too?" Ahra mother asked and put her both hands on his face to look at his head.

"No mom... he shaved his head for me." Ahra said.

Ahra's mother hugged Taehyung.

"Thank you for being there, Son." She said and Taehyung hugged her back.

"Don't worry i'll protect her always."

"You should date him instead of your boyfriend." She said and Taehyung and Her mother laughed.

"Mom!" Ahra said.

"I always wished to have a son, now looking at you i guess God answered my prayer." Ahra's mother said to Taehyung.

"Thankyou." Taehyun said.

"I am not saying it to you. I am saying it to hairless Ahra." She said and three of them laughed.

Then Ahra's mother packed some food for Taehyung and gave it to him.

"Go safely." She said and Taehyung nodded.

At night

"Mom... will Jungkook like me with my head shaved?" Ahra said.

"If he truly likes you he'll still like you like Taehyung still liked you."

"Why do you keep mentioning Taehyung?"

CAN I LOVE YOU KIM AHRA ? Where stories live. Discover now