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The next day

Ahra sat with Jungkook. Taehyung was behind her.

"Hey Jungkook... i am getting bored." Taehyung said to Jungkook.

"Same." He said looking at Ahra who was looking out of the window.

Taehyung looked at Ahra. He patted her shoulder and Ahra hissed and immediately put her hand on her shoulder. Jungkook and Taehyung looked at her.

"Are you hurt Ahra?" Taehyung asked her.

Ahra didn't say anything but she shook her head saying no. Ahra still had some bruises which hurt.

During the lecture

"Sorry!" Jungkook said to Ahra. She looked at him in shock.


"I said sorry!" Jungkook said.

"You should sound apologetic too." Taehyung said from the back and chuckled.

Ahra looked at Jungkook. She wanted to ask him something but the words couldn't come out  so she kept silent.

During break

Ahra didn't eat anything because she didn't have money. She roamed here and there in the school.

After break

"Who is it again?" Jungkook came in the class shouting. He had the same sticky note in his hand saying I like you Jungkook.

No one replied.

"Tell me who is doing this?" Jungkook again shouted.

"I think it you!" Yena stood up and said it to Jungkook.

"What? Why would i ?" Jungkook said.

"Because you think that you are perfect!"

"Don't you...." Jungkook said while Ahra stood up and came near Jungkook.

"It was me." Ahra while playing with her fingers.

"Ahra... don't lie!" Jungkook shouted and pushed her. Taehyung caught her.

"Ahra... lets go." Taehyung took her to her seat. Jungkook didn't say anything and then sat on his chair without picking up a fight with her.

"Who told you to do this?" Taehyung asked Ahra but she didn't reply.

The school ended and Ahra went back home.

The next day

"Who is it again?" Jungkook came in the class with the same sticky note.

"It's me." Ahra again said. Jungkook looked at her sighed.

"So you won't tell who told you to do this?" Jungkook asked her.

She didn't say anything.

"Nevermind." He said and sat on his chair.

Days went and everyday Jungkook got a sticky note either on the locker or his bag or some other place.

During break

"So you like Jungkook?" A girl said to Ahra.

She didn't say anything. The girl dragged Ahra out of the class to the girl's bathroom. She had two other girls with her.

"What do you think of yourself?"
Ahra didn't reply and tried to get out of there.

The girl pulled her hair and pushed her into the sink. She opened the tap and wet her hair.

CAN I LOVE YOU KIM AHRA ? Where stories live. Discover now