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"You don't have to." Taehyung said and stood beside her. Ahra looked at him and then started to move.

"Wait.." Taehyung said and stopped her.

"Put on your bangs over the wound..like this." He said while adjusting her hair.

"What about this?" Ahra said while pointing at her lips.

"Ahra....." Taehyung said and looked at her.

"What?" Ahra said.

"You want me to kiss you?" Taehyung said and leaned in.

"No!" Ahra pushed him and he laughed.

"I was joking!"he said and held her hand.

Ahra shoved his hand and started to move.

"Why are you so stubborn?" Taehyung said and stopped her.

He stood infront of her and opened his bag. Ahra was looking at him . He took out a lipstick.

"Open your mouth aaaaaaa." Taehyung said as his mouth was opened.

Ahra looked at him in confusion.

"Aaaaaaa." Taehyung said and Ahra opened her mouth wide.

"Hahaha not this much.. a little less." Taehyung said and Ahra did it.

Taehyung applied the lipstick to her lips.

"All okay!" Taehyung said.

"What's this?" Ahra asked.

Taehyung spread the lipstick a little on the side which was bleeding.

"Now your mother will not look at the wound. She'll think it's the lipstick which is not properly applied." Taehyung said and put the lipstick in his bag. Ahra looked at him in confusion thinking why he helped him.

"What? You don't want to leave me?" Taehyung said and chuckled.

Ahra didn't say anything and started to move. She went home.

"Ahra?? You are wearing makeup?" Her mother came and looked at her in joy.

Ahra smiled at her shyly.

"You are looking pretty." Her mother hugged her and kissed her cheeks.

Ahra went to her room and saw herself in the mirror.

"She was lying!" Ahra said and jumped on her bed. Then she stood up again and looked herself in the mirror.

"Not bad." She said and smiled to herself.

The next day

"Ahra what are you doing in my room?" Her mother said and Ahra immediately hid something behind her.

"What are you hiding?" Her mother asked.

"Nothing...." Ahra said and started to move.

"Did someone ask for money again?" Her mother asked and harshly pulled her hand.

"What's this?" Her mother asked as she saw lipstick in her hand.

Ahra looked away shyly.

"You want to apply this?" Her mother asked. Ahra shook her head.

"Come... i'll help you." Her mother said and put the lipstick on her lips.

"Yesterday i thought you put the lipstick to hide this bruise but i guess you really wanted to." Her mother said and Ahra looked at her.

"You think i won't know?" Her mother said and pushed her bangs up to have the view of the bruise on her head.

"I am sorry..." Ahra said.

CAN I LOVE YOU KIM AHRA ? Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum