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Taehyung's POV
Ahra's mother woke me up and i ran to my home as it was near. I got ready and then i cooked lunch for me and Ahra. Well i don't take lunch to school normally because i hate to eat alone but i'll eat will Ahra so i made it for us.

I got to the school. Ahra as usual sat with Jungkook and sat behind her. I was just waiting for break so that me and Ahra can eat together. Jungkook behaves strange infront of Ahra.

End Of POV

"I'll accept you." Jungkook said to Ahra.

Ahra looked at him in a shock.

"What?" Ahra said.

"I'll try to accept you." Jungkook said and then looked away. Ahra looked at him and smiled.

During break

"Ahra... let's go to the roof together." Taehyung said to Ahra as he wanted to eat together.

"Ahra is going with me." Jungkook said and took her with him. Ahra looked at Taehyung but Taehyung smiled at her.

Taehyung silently walked to the roof but he didn't eat as he doesn't like to eat alone.

On the other hand Jungkook took Ahra to the nurse but as usual she wasn't there. He made Ahra sit on the bed and sat beside her.

"Do you want me to treat you anywhere?" Jungkook said to Ahra. Ahra moved her hand forward.

"Umm... does your hand hurt?" Jungkook said as there was no bruise on her hand.

"Yes... here." Ahra lied. Her hand didn't hurt. But she wanted Jungkook to treat it.

"Aaa... what should i do then?" Jungkook said and started to search something.

Ahra stood up and handed him a bandage.

Jungkook being embarrass took and stick it to her hand. Ahra smiled at him and then looked at her hand.

"Umm.... aren't you hungry?" Jungkook asked her . Ahra has no money so she simply said no.

They sat there for the whole break and then came to the class.

Taehyung was already siting there. He didn't know anything. Taehyung was down too because of his grandmother's health so he didn't talk much.

At packup time

Taehyung silently woke to his home.

"Taehyung!" Ahra shouted and they started to walk beside him.
Taehyung didn't talk back.

"How's your grandmother?" Ahra asked.

"Doctor's  saying that they'll save her." Taehyung said.

"That's a good news!" Ahra said and slightly slap his left arm.

Taehyung flushed at her behaviour and smiled to himself.

"Why did Jungkook took you? Did he bully you?" Taehyung asked.

Ahra smiled and shook her head. Then she showed him her hand.

"He wanted to treat me." Ahra said. Taehyung immediately caught her hand .

"What happened to your hand?"

"Nothing... i just not wanted to say no to him." Ahra said.

"You like him a lot." Taehyung said and left her hand.

"He said he'll accept me."

"Huh?" Taehyung was shocked.


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