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"You aren't her boyfriend?"


"Then who is?" She asked with fear in her eyes.

"He's our class fellow."

"I.. i .. am sorry.. i thought it was you."

"It's okay." Taehyung said and started to move to the hospital back.

Ahra's mother went inside the home and felt bad for Taehyung.

On the date

"Where would you like to go?" Jungkook asked her as they were sitting in the car.

"Anywhere." She said and Jungkook smiled at her.

"I know a place.... let's go there." He said and Ahra nodded.

He took her to a place and they sat there. It was a high place. They hang their legs on the small hill and sat there.

"These clips suit you."

"Ahhh thanks.. Taehyung bought them for me." Ahra said and smiled.

"Ahra... you know why i hate weak people?"

"Why?" Ahra said and looked at him.

"Because i was weak once." He said.


"When i was young my mother died. My father remarried and bought a stepmother. She never liked me. She used to call me weak as i used to cry every time. But then i stoped crying because i thought i'll become strong if i'll not cry but i became rude and cold. People started to fear me. And that's why Taehyung became my friend. He just wanted to protect himself in my shelter." Jungkook said and looked at the sky.

"Jungkook..... Taehyung isn't a bad person." Ahra said and looked at the sky with him.

"I know...."

"You know what?"


"His grandmother calls you angel."

"Angel? Why?"

"Because after being your friend he never got bullied." Ahra said and put her hand on his. His heart skipped a beat when she did this but he somehow managed not to show her influence.

"She has cancer Jungkook. She wants to meet you. She wants to thank you. She cried yesterday in front of me. She wants to meet you for once." Ahra said.

"But... why didn't Taehyung tell me about this?"

"He was afraid that you'll call him weak and you'll hate him and leave him. We are all the same Jungkook." Ahra said and Jungkook stood up.

"Let's go and meet her." He said and both of them sat in the car and headed to the hospital.

At the hospital

"How are you feeling grandmother?" Ahra said and kissed her hand. Taehyung looked at her in shock and then Jungkook entered.

Taehyung looked at him and stood up.

"Jungkook..." He said and Jungkook looked at him.

"So you are the angel." Grandmother said and called Jungkook near her.

"You two little brats.. leave us two alone." Grandmother said and Ahra took Taehyung out with her.

"Why did you bring Jungkook with you?"

"Grandmother wanted to meet him."

"Is this what grandmother talked to you about?"

Ahra nodded. Taehyung looked down.

After sometime Jungkook came out and hugged Taehyung.

"Friends?" Jungkook said and Taehyung nodded and tears formed in his eyes.

"Friends." He said and hugged him back.

"Come Ahra.. i'll drop you home." Jungkook said and dropped Ahra at her home.

At home

"Why didn't you tell me about your boyfriend?" Her mother asked her.

"You didn't ask." Ahra said.

"I thought your boyfriend is Taehyung."

"I told you he's not my boyfriend!"

"I know... but it looks like he likes you."

"He's nice to me because he's nice! That's it!" Ahra said.

"Whatever i still like him more than any other guy!" Her mother said and left the place.

Ahra looked at herself and her mother's words echoed in her ear.

It look likes he likes you.

"You don't like me Taehyung!" Ahra said and slept on her bed. She looked at her clips and then at the dream catcher.

"Does he like me?" she thought and then slept.

At school

The news of Ahra and Jungkook dating spread in the school. People looked at Ahra with weird eyes. But Ahra ignored them because she has to survive.

Jungkook and Ahra started to talk normally and they talked to each other all the time. Taehyung and Jungkook became friends again but Taehyung tried his best to stay away from them.

Yena occasionally tried to bully her because she was jealous of her. As she liked Jungkook too.

At packup time

Like Jungkook walked Ahra home yesterday Taehyung didn't walk with her. He stayed back for 10 minutes and then started to walk back home. He wanted to give Jungkook and Ahra some free time.

After 10 minutes of staying at the school gate he started walking towards home. He was walking when Yena bumped into him. Her hands were covered with blood.

"Yena?? Are you okay?" Taehyung asked her and then took her hand in his hands.

"Leave me!" She said and pushed him. Taehyung fell on the ground and then he heard someone shouting. It was Ahra. He ran towards the source of the shouting and found Ahra lying down on the ground.

"Ahra..." Taehyung said as he looked at her. He couldn't even describe the scene he saw.

"Save me Taehyung...... i feel like i am dead...." Ahra said and tears started fall from her eyes.

CAN I LOVE YOU KIM AHRA ? Where stories live. Discover now