Chapter One - Sav, Just Sav

Start from the beginning

“Is this a joke?” I asked. But clearly it wasn’t as both my mother and father shared worried looks. I looked to both of them, and snapped instantaneously. “What’s going on!?” I practically yelled.

“Savannah, you must understand. We didn’t tell you because we were trying to protect you.” My father pulled out a long stick. I eyed it warily. “But I don’t think we can do that anymore.” He finished. He pointed the stick in the middle of air and whispered something. But what scared me the most, was bird flying out of the tip of the stick. I stumbled off the stool, and then crawled backwards.

“Savannah. There is a world out there, which is different from the world you know. Full of magical creatures that you thought were mythical. There are people out there, like you. Your father and I, your brother, we’re all magical, and so are you.” She finished. I looked at her, and then at my father, who nodded gently.

There was a sudden gentle tapping on the window. My dad walked over to it, and opened it slowly. That’s when a mouse brown barn owl with something in its beak jumped onto the sill. My dad took the envelope out of its beak, and gave it a treat, before it jumped off the sill, and took off into the sky.

My dad ripped the envelope open, and took out a piece of paper.

“It’s Savannah’s school list.” He looked up. “That’s if, she wants to go.” He nodded at me.

I looked down and closed my eyes. The darkness behind my eyelids was suddenly filled with colour, as I started to see something. A boy. People flying on broomsticks. A castle. A candlestick. An old man wearing funny looking clothes. I opened my eyes, and looked at them.

“I want to go.” I whispered. They both started to smile, and dragged me to the garage. We were going to some place called “Diagon Alley”.


My mum and dad brought me into the freaky place called, “The Leaky Cauldron”. I was surrounded by people I didn’t know, but Mum and Dad seemed to know them all.

“Molly! Arthur!” My dad cried. A man and woman turned around, with their flaming red hair, and their kind faces, I knew for sure they were friends of my parents.

“Daniel! Bel! What a delightful surprise! Are you going into Diagon Alley as well?” Arthur asked, as Molly tried to gather up two young children, and two twins who looked to be around my age.

“Of course! Molly, Arthur, this is our youngest, Savannah. Savannah, this is Arthur and Molly Weasley.” My father introduced me, the man, and the woman who had finally finished rounding up the children.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you.” I smiled, as I nodded politely.

“No need for formalities deary. These are our four youngest children. This is Ginny,” she pointed to a young girl with the same flaming red hair that was cut in a short bob style, “Ron,” this time she pointed to a boy who was about a year older than the girl, who had the same flaming red hair. I looked around curiously, and noticed that the all had the same red hair. I smiled politely to the boy, and the young girl. “These are the twins, Fred,” she pointed to one, “and this is George.” Molly finished, with another finger pointed over the other twin.

“I’m George!” The one that was ‘Fred’ cried. The other one nodded in agreement.

“And I’m Fred! Honestly woman, you call yourself our mother?” He asked, with a joking tone to his voice. A giggle escaped my mouth, but I clasped my lips together to avoid getting in trouble.

“Sorry Fred, George.” Molly breathed out an apology she must have had to say around a million times.

“Just call us Gred,” the one I thought was Fred started, “and Forge!” The one I thought was George finished. I giggled again and smiled at them both.

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