Chapter 16

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"You really think this is going to work!"
"Can you just trust me once, Reaper!"
"This is just stupid! Downright stupid!"
"You don't know anything about humans! Humans are afraid of darkness, they are afraid of things that science is unable to explain! They are afraid of Death!"
"So you are going to scare them?"
"A-haa! Correct!"
Amelia forced Reaper to free some of his souls. The proposal seemed repugnant to him, but he didn't put up much of a fight with her anyway. Hence, they were followed by four souls (including Grace); two male souls and two female souls. However, they looked nothing like what Amelia envisioned them to be. They were not scary at all, instead they were just like humans with some extra powers maybe. According to Grace, the real form of souls are light and when you see them, they have to take different human forms, or you can't see them. Maybe all the horror franchise that Amelia was a fan of were a story, a story made up by humans to scare other humans!
"Okay! Grace, you will follow me. You three will take turns to do the job. Remember the agenda is to scare them, not harm them. Our first target is Gemma. You Mr. Reaper, will follow each one's move closely, okay?" instructed Amelia as a team leader should do. She really hoped that her plan works.

Gemma had just taken a long shower and was now getting ready for a little movie session, when suddenly she heard noises from downstairs. She never liked staying alone anyway. Her dad was at his office and her mom, she had no idea where she was. After what had happened to Amelia, she became even more sceptical about the realities of the world. What was real and what was not? The sounds only became louder and somehow she felt something or someone was approaching her. Her face grew pale and she had goosebumps. The lights of her room started to flicker, all at once. Strong wind blew into her room through the open windows . From the darkness came a voice that no living thing could possibly make. She heard whispers, voices.
"Be afraid."
Suddenly there was a knock and then everything was back to normal. Silence. As she approached the door, the voices once again resumed, this time even more louder. Strangely, silvery wisps curled in around the door frame, the sounds intensified until she huddled to a pillow closeby, with eyes wide open, hands clamed over her ears, hearing everything nonetheless, and then she finally saw the figure, the hooded vail of death. She couldn't see the face of the figure, but she could sense his sinister stare. The figure approached her until it was too close, until she was suffocating, until she could see herself dying, well and clear.
Ring. Ring.
Ring. Ring.
It was her phone.
The ring of her phone was enough to bring Gemma back to reality. She had just seen the fine line between real and imaginary worlds fade. Her head was spinning and she was confused. Somehow, she managed to answer her phone.
"Gemma, are you okay? What happened?"
She was hesitant to speak, as she wanted to find appropriate words. What was she suppose to say, that she just felt something supernatural, something paranormal, that she was being haunted. He wouldn't believe her. No one would.
"John... Ghost... House..."
"Gemma, what are you saying? I cannot hear you. Hello. Gemma!?"
The phone had already disconnected. Gemma prayed to the Gods that whatever that thing was, it would leave her alone.

John had been worried for Gemma for the past few days. What he did was his decision. He will not let Gemma be affected by any of this. With every passing moment, Catherine seemed an even more dangerous lady. He hoped that she will not hurt her own daughter to accomplish her mission.
It was the third time that she was dialing Gemma's number. Why isn't she picking up the calls!?
"Hel... Hello".
Gemma finally answered the call, but she was breathing heavily!
"Gemma, are you okay? What happened?"
"John... "
Pause. A long pause.
"John... Ghost... House..."
He couldn't make out any of the words. However, he was sure that something scary happened to her, something very frightening. Did someone follow her again!?
"Gemma, what are you saying? I cannot hear you! Hello. Gemma!?"
The phone was disconnected. He dialed again. No answer. He kept on dialing the number but in vain. Each time he heard the same response, "The number you have dialed is currently switched off."
John cursed below his breath, "Shit!" at his failed attempts, when suddenly the lights of his room started to flicker. He heard a feminin voice, coming out from the hallway.
"How could you!"
He followed the source of the voice, only to see Gemma waiting for him at the end of the hallway.
"Gemma, what are you doing here?"
Gemma laughed, it wasn't the sweet laughter he knew, instead it was monstrous. Every bit of the lady standing infront of him was evil.
The face of the figure transformed from Gemma to Catherine to Amelia then to complete blackness. There was nothing on her face that John could see. It was completely hollow.
John quivered at the sight. The bizarre figure spoke again, this time in a voice he knew all too well. Amelia's voice.
"How can you be so happy after what you did to me?"
"I.... I.... I"
"You'll pay for your deeds! You have to!" commanded the figure.
"Amelia... I'm.... I'm really sorry."
"Your sorry won't bring back my life, will it?"
"N... No... But I wanted to... Tell you.. That I was sorry... "
"You will be forgiven, only if you hand over yourself to the police, if you confess your deeds."
"I... I will do... Just don't harm Gemma...or me..."
A nerve-wrecking laugh was heard and then the figure disappeared, changing everything back to normal.

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