Chapter 15

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"Put me down", screamed, Amelia fake punching the Reaper.
"How do you not get suffocated in this smoke?"
"Well, that's how it is!"
"Whatever! Put me down!"
"You don't know how to shut up, do you!!" commented the Reaper, putting Amelia back on her foot.
"Did you.... Did you know this bride thing?" enquired Amelia, trying to stable her balance from the weird ride.
Amelia glared at Reaper.
"Reaper! Do you know the meaning of bride? Wife?"
To Amelia's surprise, Reaper only laughed.
"Beasty, we don't have to start a family, if you are asking about that!"
Amelia blushed.
"What... Then what did Destine mean by bride?"
"Consort. That's all it is. Maybe take it like you will be under my protection."
"What about finding your murderer?"
Reaper tried to change the topic.
"Well, before I could do anything you called me back!" Amelia frowned.
"Hmm. You can go back now, of course along with Grace."
"I know. I know."
"Amelia, be careful."
When both of their eyes met, Amelia knew he was genuinely concerned, and this time Amelia felt warm under his gaze, as if he was the sunrays she always hoped for.

"It was pretty dramatic. Everything about it was. Trust me I have never seen Reaper being so... well, heroic!" stated Grace.
They were standing infront of Amelia's house, waiting for an opportunity to enter, and from the time they have reached to until now, Grace would only talk about how heroic the Reaper looked in throwing Lucas across the room, or how romantic Amelia and Reaper were together.
"Grace, I get your excitement. But can we just focus?"
"Focus! Yeah yeah! You were so focused at him yesterday!" giggled Grace.
"Well to think of it, he's not bad looking or anything. Reaper is indeed a handsome man-chiseled chin, hair as black as night, intense gaze and a gorgeous smirk. He's actually the angry young man type though!" agreed Amelia.
"Wow, you complemented him for the first time."
Amelia would've have continued the conversation but they soon realized that a taxi had parked itself infront of the house. John came out from the car and entered the house.
"He had a key to your house?" asked Grace.
"I think the more important question is why is he here? I thought you confirmed that Gemma is not here?"
"She isn't."
"Not even my uncle?"
"Then he came to meet my aunt."
"I really don't understand a thing about this man anymore."
Before Grace could reply, Amelia continued, "Let's go in!"
"It can be dangerous."
"What do you want me to do? Just sit here and watch?"
Grace glared as her pupils dilated again. She went stiff, completely rigid, and before Amelia could react, a vacant space which seemed similar to a screen, maybe a movie screen, opened infront of them. The screen was reflecting light, the light that can blind hundreds of people. When finally the light faded, her aunt, Catherine and a very nervous John appeared on the screen.
"Someone followed Gemma to the hospital. Do you know what it means?" said John, who was unable to form words at this point.
"No. Care to enlighten me."
"Someone.... Someone knows everything..."
"Well, even if they don't, they'll soon come to know."
Catherine was calm as always.
"What.....Look, Gemma and the baby have to be safe. You started all this.... "
"Yes, and it all ended the day Amelia died. How many times will I say, stop acting like a fool! You think that some old lady showed up so we are in danger. Stop panicking!"
Catherine laughed an uncanny laugh, monstrous, villainous laugh. Amelia was aghast, looking at the screen, tears threatening to stain her cheeks. Her aunt, her caring, loving, aunt was the monster all along.
The devil spoke through Catharine, as she bluntly stated, "I wanted to end this chapter 22 years back. But Amelia was saved. God knows by What supernatural force! Everything was so well planned. Both her parents fell for my trap. I pledged that very day that I'll kill her myself, but then you did the job just fine. Now the story's finally over!"
The screen suddenly vanished, and Grace was back to normal.
"What..... Aunt... John", before she could form the sentence, Amelia fainted as she wanted to get rid of all her painful memories.

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