Chapter 6

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"Lady Rose, please drink this portion. It'll restore your strength", commented Grace as she handed over a porringer to Amelia.
"Who was he?"
"He was, well what do you call him on earth? Oh yes, the Grim Reaper."
"Grim Reaper??"
Everything seemed so strange to Amelia. How can a mythological character from children's stories be real? How can any of this be real?
"Lady Rose, I know it all feels unreal. But you don't have to panic about any of this right now. Just let your body heal."
"What do you mean? There are so many questions in my mind-"
"Lady Rose-"
"No you answer me! You answer me now!", Amelia screamed, frustrated.
"Lady Rose, you'll get all your answers in due time", Grace smiled and continued, "I'll get your bath ready. Freshen up and come with me."
Amelia had no other way but to follow Grace into this caliginous world.

"You are looking much better now. Come with me", said Grace as she dried Amelia's auburn hair.
"Don't worry, Lady Rose. You can trust me."
With that Amelia followed her out of the chamber to a dazzling hall with only a single throne placed in the center of it. Amelia could only gawk at the grandeur of the castle she was in. However it was completely dark as if light was forbidden to enter. And on the throne sat the Reaper himself. He was nothing like what Amelia would have imagined. He was handsome, like an angel, maybe like the angel of death. Everything about him was so dark yet Amelia didn't shudder this time in his presence.
"I don't know who you are. But...but, you can't hold me captive."
As a response, he only laughed.
"If I don't hold you captive, where will you go? The earthlings think you are dead."
She was dead. But what did he mean by earthlings? With each passing minute, Amelia was buzzing with queries.
"Who are you?"
"Death", he replied with his usual stoic expression.
"What do you think?"
Amelia glanced towards Grace for assurance who was silent till now. But Grace didn't even flinch.
"Fine maybe you are the Reaper. But why am I here? If I'm dead then why do I remember everything so vividly? And what about all those dreams, I'm sure I saw you-", Amelia continued.
"Easy there beasty. Too many questions", smirked the Reaper as he continued, "But I'll give you all your answers. You are not dead. I was able to resurrect you in due time. However, the earthlings think you are dead. And as long as the dreams are concerned, you'll get the answers when the need arises. Now let your body heal."
"I'm not dead, but earthlings think I'm dead? What does it mean? If I'm not dead, why am I here?"
"You are a curious little beasty, aren't you? And a fool too apparantly. I tried to warn you, yet you got yourself killed."
"Listen beasty, I've got no time for this. You are not dead, do you get it? But the earthlings think you are dead, because they'll see what I want them to see. However, your body needs healing because you were indeed stabbed four times and though you can't see any scar visually the pain from the attack will remain. Next time you ask too many questions, I won't be so merciful", he continued, this time directed to Grace, "Take her back to her chamber."

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