Chapter 3

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That same touch, that same icy stare approached Amelia. That same hooded figure that visits her each night, was once again suffocating her. In the beginning she thought it was sleep paralysis, she visited the best of the doctors, sleep experts, but all in vain. Each night the figure was getting closer to her, and tonight it was too close. And that's when she felt it's cold breaths engulfing her in a state of nothingness.
"Amelia! Wake up! Wake up!"
As Amelia opened her heavy-drawn eyelids, she was greeted by her worried aunt.
"Aunty, what happened?"
"That saw that dream again, didn't you?"
Each morning had become a broken tape for Amelia. She would wake up screaming from the same nightmare, sweating, palpitating and either her aunt or Gemma would shake her out from her daze.
"I'm fine aunty, really". She wasn't fine but she put up a smile to assure her poor aunt.
"Aunty, I'm so late today. I'll skip the breakfast", Amelia jumped of the bed. She cannot be late to work. Gemma labelled her as an workaholic, which was of course not wrong. What other choice did she have? She had a decent job that paid off her needs and her college fees, she didn't have to confide in her uncle and aunt for monetary needs anymore. They had already done enough for her. Amelia knew that they'll help her whenever she is in need, but she cannot burden them any further.
"But-", before Catherine could complete her sentence, Amelia rushed out, "Amelia, wait-"

"Good morning, Sandy."
"Morning, Amelia", replied the lady while still looking at her laptop. The little time Amelia got in between her office schedule and juggling college, she would gossip with Sandy or have coffee with John. John and she met for the first time in this office. They were indeed a match-made-in-heaven.
"Sandy, where is John?"
"Your boyfriend didn't come yet", answered Sandy still focused on her laptop screen.
Amelia didn't want to disturb her any longer, hence she made her way to the cafeteria.
"The usual please."
"Coming right away", answered the aged barista with a smile.
As she waited for her coffee, she suddenly felt two pair of eyes on her, directly on her, observing her, watching her every move. The same cold exhalation, everything was happening again. As if her nightmares were taking shape and becoming reality. But who would watch her? She glanced across the cafe, it was a busy zone, no one seemed to care about her, no one seemed to notice her, but then she noticed that same man from the mall. Before she could do anything, the man disappeared yet again. But this time Amelia was adamant, she rushed out of the cafe, determined to follow him. And she wasn't late, he was right there, right in front of her. Just looking at him send chills down her spine.
"Who...who" She stuttered out nervously.
"Amelia!" A pair of strong hands pulled her out of her haze. And before she knew it the man was gone.
"What were you thinking? If I wouldn't have reached on time, you could have been injured! Seriously injured!"
It was only then that Amelia realized that she was indeed standing at the edge of the stairs. If not for John then she could have been injured.
"I....I don't... Sorry", she was unable to frame words.
"What's wrong with you?"
John had always been the worried type whenever Amelia was in trouble but this only made Amelia happy.
"Forget it. I've got a plan", and instantly Amelia knew what he was talking about. John had always been the flirty one. Amelia knew she loved him more than love itself, yet at times like this she felt so indifferent. Whenever John made a move, she would always change the topic, as if they were strangers.
"John, I've a lot of work here. Let's talk about this later", she gushed.
She was unable to make out if John was irritated or not, but if he was then he masked it well.
"Of course, love, whenever you're ready", he gave the cheshire cat smile and continued, "Anyways I am so excited for tomorrow. Once you are 22, we can actually meet more often, right?"
Amelia giggled, her uncle was never John's favourite. Afterall he was a strict guardian, making rules and scratching out all nightouts for her.
"Yeah right. I'm going back to my desk", stated Amelia, only after kissing him on the cheek. That was all that poor John was getting for now.
However, as she made her way to the desk, she couldn't help but wonder who that man was? Why was he at her office? Was he following her? Only his thought was enough to creep out Amelia.

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