Things You Need To Know

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Main CAST:

1. Amelia Rose~ The lead female protagonist.
2. Catherine Rose~ Amelia's aunt & adoptive guardian.
3. Robin Rose~ Amelia's uncle & adoptive guardian.
4. Gemma (Gemm) Rose~ Amelia's younger sister (by 6 months) & Catherine & Robin's biological daughter.
5. John Jones~ Amelia's boyfriend (elder to her by 2 years & works together at the same office).
6. The Grim Reaper (Reaper/Death)~ The main male protagonist & who takes souls to the other world.
7. Destiny (Destine/Fate)~ Well, destiny is of course destiny, the one who decides the fate/luck of others.
8. Lord Lucas~ The caretaker of the Celestial Garden.
9. Ispecter Ken.

                   Supporting Cast :
1. Isabelle Rose~ Amelia's biological mother.
2. Benjamin Rose~ Amelia's biological father.
3. Grace~ The Reaper's favourite soul & Amelia's personal help.
4. Sandy~ Amelia's friend & co-worker.
5. Nymphs and other souls.

1. Amelia's House.
2. Amelia's Office.
3. Reaper's Castle.
4. Destiny's Castle.
5. The Celestial Garden (in the Reaper's Castle).

                    Author's Notes:
I have always been interested in the world that's out of our reach. I'm believer of Science, but I also believe that Science cannot answer all human queries. Grim Reaper is one such concept. It is obviously a Western mythological character. I always imagined how would he look and what if he falls for a human girl (I would love to be that girl... Lol 😂). I do accept the fact that such myths maybe related to some of your religion /traditions/ culture (it's just a guess). You should know it's just my imagination of the unknown/ other world. My intention was never to hurt any individual or their beliefs (if I have, then I'm extremely sorry). However, if I have used any images then they are taken from Google (my first love... Lol😅) & credits belong to the respective owners.
The story is my own, solely fictional. Any similarity to any person, living or dead, &/or place &/or religion/ culture/ custom/ tradition &/or any other story is unintentional & purely coincidental.
I do not like to label myself from any particular religion/ race. I only believe in the religion of Humanity.
I'm not a professional author, so I accept that my writing will be flawed. If I disappoint you, I'm extremely sorry. If you don't like anything about my writing, feel free to stop reading (easy right!😃). But please don't spread any hate.  Most of my chapters are less than 1000 words but it gets better, I promise!
This is a fictional work and is meant to entertain your boredom! Hence, please  enter into this world with an open mind!

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