Chapter 11

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Amelia took few minutes to steady her spinning head & shifting balance. She had no idea that when the Reaper asked her whether she was ready for a ride and she nodded in agreement, that he was talking about a whirlwind spin that will take her to her destination. Amelia could only hope that the otherworldly beings used science and technology. Magic can be pretty dicey!
Soon Amelia found herself standing along with Grace and watching people gather in black clothing from afar. She was watching her own funeral. Everyone's heads were down. Maybe it was to show respect or maybe they were too afraid to look at what was going to come. Six strong men pulled the coffin from the hearse and inside that coffin laid Amelia herself.
This was all an horrid experience for her. Maybe she should have just accepted her fate. At least it would have been better than watching her own dead body. However, as far as she remembered, the Reaper assured her that she wasn't dead. Then what was that in the coffin? Was this all an illusion? Or was she herself delusional? Amelia felt lost and tired. When would this nightmare end? She could see her lovely family, standing right infront of her, broken yet she was unable to tell them the truth, that she's alive. Whoever did this will pay the price, they have to!
"Amelia, let's go before they see us", informed Grace.
"Yes let's go! To my house."
"Your house?"
"I was killed—I mean attacked there. We need to go in there and see if we find anything."
Grace agreed and they soon were inside the house. No car, no picking the lock, just a wish and they were in.
"I can honestly never get use to magic. Like real magic, not card games but magic magic, you get me, don't you?"
Grace giggled and continued, "We can talk about magic once we find what you are looking for".
"Okay! Grace, I'm Sherlock Holmes and you are Watson. Let's get to work!" commented Amelia, imitating Mr. Holmes smoking a pipe.
"Ah, who are they?"
"Forget it. Let's just get to work."
With that Amelia rushed upstairs, to her room, where she was attacked. The room was completely deserted, not to say it was unclean, but it still felt ghostly. On the floor there was a mark, where they first discovered her body. Amelia shivered. All this was so unreal. She tried to press her mind to remember every single detail about that day, so that she could find some clues, but she didn't. Grace had already searched every nook and corner of the house, but there was nothing that could be of any help.
"Let's go, Amelia. I don't think there's anything."
"Wait! There's another room. The basement."
"Amelia, wait —", but she was already gone.
The basement was shabby but not unhealthy. It was dark, as the only source of light was a flickering bulb. It didn't seem to have much use of itself. There were a few boxes lying here and there and a cupboard that stood erect at the center of the room. Amelia went straight to the cupboard, trying to open the lock.
Taking a hint, Grace stared at the lock, as her pupils dilated until they were completely black and the cupboard was unlocked.
"Done", giggled Grace.
Amelia would love to ask Grace about her powers but this was much more important. She searched through some newspapers and other useless, old junk kept in the cupboard. She almost would have given up on her little adventure, only if she didn't see a piece of black clothing, folded nicely in between the trash.
Amelia gasped. This is what her murderer was wearing and she found it in the cupboard in the basement of her own house.
"Amelia!? Amelia!?"
Grace half screamed to bring back Amelia to her senses, "Someone's coming! We need to get out and like now!"
"Grac... Grace... Someone....from my own family did this to me, Grace! Someone who was my.....own", stuttered Amelia.
There was no two way about it. No one but her family knew about the existence of the basement. No one from outside can know about it.
"Amelia, let's just get out of here for now."
Few hushed footsteps approached them, as they disappeared into thin air.

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